Is there anything DECENT on netflix right now?


Well-Known Member
The Man from Nowhere.

It's on Netflix and Amazon. Best fucking movie I've seen in a long time. Korean with English subtitles. Bourne Identity x Oldboy.


Well-Known Member
yeah the other night, awesome movie

the subtitles were set up really nice too, i hate when movies have subs that you have to squint to read.


Well-Known Member
Have you seen that one I just mentioned? The Man from Nowhere. It's fucking awesome. Without a doubt one of the best movies, I've seen in a long time. Maybe even one of the best I've ever seen.


Well-Known Member
I watched a movie called Leaves of Grass the other day which was pretty good. It has Edward Norton in it. It's about him and a twin brother and one grows weed. It's pretty good and funny.

You could always watch Deadliest Warrior.


Active Member
So who here has seen the series ''LOST''. I waz surprised its pretty good. When i smoke and watch it, seems insane


Well-Known Member
Everything about it was awesome. Awesome fights, awesome acting, awesome story, awesome camera work. Dark and emotional. Don't want to give too much away but the storyline is somewhat like Leon/Man on fire.
Ok I'm in. I put it in my queue for later tonight. Thanks, I owe you more poultry.