Is There Anything That Everybody Can Agree On?


Well-Known Member
Ok, if killing is wrong (not that I'm saying it is). Then, why does the world celebrate Valentines Day every year? The concept itself was originally based on the anniversary of a huge massacre 100(or more) years ago. So, if you celebrate Valentines Day and believe that killing is wrong, aren't you contradicting yourself?

Plus (and not to start any pointless religious debate) when someone that has never had any prior health probelms whatsoever(no drug use or any of thatstuff)...all of a sudden just drops dead from a heart attack...isn't that god killing them?


Well-Known Member
what's with all the deep heavy debates. death, god, guns, killing, racism,.....

can't we go to simpler things? like the moon?


New Member
Ok, if killing is wrong (not that I'm saying it is). Then, why does the world celebrate Valentines Day every year? The concept itself was originally based on the anniversary of a huge massacre 100(or more) years ago. So, if you celebrate Valentines Day and believe that killing is wrong, aren't you contradicting yourself?

Plus (and not to start any pointless religious debate) when someone that has never had any prior health probelms whatsoever(no drug use or any of thatstuff)...all of a sudden just drops dead from a heart attack...isn't that god killing them?
Not sure on the first score, but I'm sure the massacre was only called this because it happened on st valentines day. In other words the celebratory day was already in existence. St. Valentines day is there to celebrate love, not to reflect upon some massacre.

The second thing you are referring to is SDS, or sudden death syndrome. So you're saying this is some god taking out people he doesn't like? I thought judgement came at the end? This also implies that this god you are referring to is responsible for the creation of disease... which in turn begs the question: why bother with disease when you can just take people at will anyway?


New Member
In fact St. Valentines day was first set aside as a holiday in 496 AD by Pope Gelasius.

So, quite a bit older than you thought mr-issues.


Well-Known Member
what's with all the deep heavy debates. death, god, guns, killing, racism,.....

can't we go to simpler things? like the moon?
aw theres no fun in that. at least not for me. i think its possible that the original moon landing was faked for obvious reasons, but in this day and age, somebody must have done it. and it probly was the US first or it would have been outed a long time ago by somebody else besides conspirators.

me n skunk'll argue till the cows come home tho, we probly should make a new thread instead of hijacking this one.

You honestly don't believe killing is wrong? I'm getting a little worried here preo', I remember your other comment about the slaughter in Virginia being quite small for a record-breaking massacre (or words to that effect).

You still don't understand what death is? It's the end of the world preo'.
i honestly dont beleive in anything, besides my own personal existence (as ive said before i dont know how many times.) i certainly wont make the assumption that killing is bad. sure ill say that putting somebody thru pain isnt very nice, but say somebody gets shot in that back of the head (say its a painless death) while theyre listening to their favorite song on their headphones. how can anybody say that them dying is a bad thing without knowing what happens after death?

and about the virginia slaughter, i was just surprised that 32 was the best we could do. (the 33rd doesnt count, the little weasel offed himself instead of goin out like a man.) lol. i guess i have a dark, dry sense of humour that doesnt translate well in text. after all the senseless violence that has happened in this country over the years i figured that number would have been past up a long time ago.

hail satan


Well-Known Member
aw theres no fun in that. at least not for me. i think its possible that the original moon landing was faked for obvious reasons, but in this day and age, somebody must have done it. and it probly was the US first or it would have been outed a long time ago by somebody else besides conspirators.

me n skunk'll argue till the cows come home tho, we probly should make a new thread instead of hijacking this one.

i honestly dont beleive in anything, besides my own personal existence (as ive said before i dont know how many times.) i certainly wont make the assumption that killing is bad. sure ill say that putting somebody thru pain isnt very nice, but say somebody gets shot in that back of the head (say its a painless death) while theyre listening to their favorite song on their headphones. how can anybody say that them dying is a bad thing without knowing what happens after death?

and about the virginia slaughter, i was just surprised that 32 was the best we could do. (the 33rd doesnt count, the little weasel offed himself instead of goin out like a man.) lol. i guess i have a dark, dry sense of humour that doesnt translate well in text. after all the senseless violence that has happened in this country over the years i figured that number would have been past up a long time ago.

hail satan

or maybe i could start my own "moon" thread. sorry.

offed in the back of the head?????? wow, that's heavy. nope i wouldn't feel it. but what if i was JUST dead after that? then it would be wrong. my son would miss me.

i agree with your disappointment in that #. i mentioned this comment to my wife and she about slapped me. i see your point. for someone to be doing that in the first place, why is that # so low. it could have been in the 100's. not that i have any desire to see that, but i do see your point.

killing is wrong or we would all be dead.


Well-Known Member
offed in the back of the head?????? wow, that's heavy. nope i wouldn't feel it. But what if i was JUST dead after that? then it would be wrong. my son would miss me.

Killing is wrong or we would all be dead.
See, thats what i assume. i didnt experience anything before i was born, why is it reasonable to think it will be any different after i die? nonexistence transcends things like pain or pleasure, we wouldnt be any better or worse off. the unviersal equaliser that keeps everything in balance. or maybe i just forgot what happened before i was born, hell i can barely remember anything past 5 yrs ago, i might have just forgot what happened before i was born. but that supports what im saying. when I die, preo is done. whatever goes on afterward is different. even with faith in an afterlife, u wont be the same. im not the same person i was last week, i certainly wont be that same whenever i die.

the christian afterlife is especially strange to me. any type of afterlife that relies on "final" judgment for that matter. how is it reasonable to punish somebody for something they did or didnt do, when technically, we're never the same person for more than a moment at a time? (not to mention the fact that we all have a destiny that we'll never change (imo)) so id bet that any type of reincarnation wouldnt make u any better or worse off either.

So what if killing really isnt wrong? what if everybody started thinking like me, do u really think itd be the end of the world? i havent killed anybody before. and have some sick daydreams, believe me. meanwhile, billions of lives have ended throughout history by those who say they are followers of righteous beliefs. i think if everybody would stop putting so much value in human life (god knows that the most dont further that sentiment towards the rest of the animal kingdom) mankind wouldnt be so obsessed with murder.

oh, and about ur son. yeah, it would suck for the people left behind, as i said in a previous post. but thats not what death is, thats an after-effect. and still, mourning is not a necessary reaction for the loss of a loved one. very likely, and completely understandable by most of modern society, but i know for a fact there a quite a few ppl around me that i wouldnt so much mind if they werent around anymore. judge my honesty or call me ignorant all u want, but its true. i see ppl crying at funerals and i see nothing but ppl feeling sorry for themselves. the ppl u love really wouldnt want to see u upset for any reason, especially because theyre gone. acceptance and adaption is the name of the game.


Well-Known Member
See, thats what i assume. i didnt experience anything before i was born, why is it reasonable to think it will be any different after i die? nonexistence transcends things like pain or pleasure, we wouldnt be any better or worse of. the unviersal equaliser that keeps everything in balance. or maybe i just forgot what happened before i was born, hell i can barely remember anything past 5 yrs ago, i might have just forgot what happened before i was born. but that supports what im saying. when I die, preo is done. whatever goes on afterward is different. even with faith in an afterlife, u wont be the same. im not the same person i was last week, i certainly wont be that same whenever i die.

the christian afterlife is especially strange to me. any type of afterlife that relies on judgment for that matter. how is it reasonable to punish somebody for something they did or didnt do, when technically, we're never the same person for more than a moment at a time? (not to mention the fact that we all have a destiny that we'll never change (imo)) so id bet that any type of reincarnation wouldnt make u any better or worse of either.

So what if killing really isnt wrong? what if everybody started thinking like me, do u really think itd be the end of the world? i havent killed anybody before. and have some sick daydreams, believe me. meanwhile, billions of lives have ended throughout history by those who say they are followers of righteous beliefs. i think if everybody would stop putting so much value in human life (god knows that the most dont further that sentiment towards the rest of the animal kingdom) mankind wouldnt be so obsessed with murder.

oh, and about ur son. yeah, it would suck for the people left behind, as i said in a previous post. but thats not what death is, thats an after-effect. and still, mourning is not a necessary reaction for the loss of a loved one. very likely, and completely understandable by most of modern society, but i know for a fact there a quite a few ppl around me that i wouldnt so much mind if they werent around anymore. judge my honesty or call me ignorant all u want, but its true. i see ppl crying at funerals and i see nothing but ppl feeling sorry for themselves. the ppl u love really wouldnt want to see u upset for any reason, especially because theyre gone. acceptance and adaption is the name of the game.

kinda scary. not only do i fully understand what you are saying. i agree. usually it goes right over my head. i've changed. :peace::joint::joint:


New Member
See, thats what i assume. i didnt experience anything before i was born, why is it reasonable to think it will be any different after i die? nonexistence transcends things like pain or pleasure, we wouldnt be any better or worse off. the unviersal equaliser that keeps everything in balance. or maybe i just forgot what happened before i was born, hell i can barely remember anything past 5 yrs ago, i might have just forgot what happened before i was born. but that supports what im saying. when I die, preo is done. whatever goes on afterward is different. even with faith in an afterlife, u wont be the same. im not the same person i was last week, i certainly wont be that same whenever i die.

the christian afterlife is especially strange to me. any type of afterlife that relies on "final" judgment for that matter. how is it reasonable to punish somebody for something they did or didnt do, when technically, we're never the same person for more than a moment at a time? (not to mention the fact that we all have a destiny that we'll never change (imo)) so id bet that any type of reincarnation wouldnt make u any better or worse off either.

So what if killing really isnt wrong? what if everybody started thinking like me, do u really think itd be the end of the world? i havent killed anybody before. and have some sick daydreams, believe me. meanwhile, billions of lives have ended throughout history by those who say they are followers of righteous beliefs. i think if everybody would stop putting so much value in human life (god knows that the most dont further that sentiment towards the rest of the animal kingdom) mankind wouldnt be so obsessed with murder.

oh, and about ur son. yeah, it would suck for the people left behind, as i said in a previous post. but thats not what death is, thats an after-effect. and still, mourning is not a necessary reaction for the loss of a loved one. very likely, and completely understandable by most of modern society, but i know for a fact there a quite a few ppl around me that i wouldnt so much mind if they werent around anymore. judge my honesty or call me ignorant all u want, but its true. i see ppl crying at funerals and i see nothing but ppl feeling sorry for themselves. the ppl u love really wouldnt want to see u upset for any reason, especially because theyre gone. acceptance and adaption is the name of the game.
No, that is death preo'. Exactly what I was thinking about too. The people that are left behind, for them it is so much easier if you die from natural causes or an accident... even then death is still bad.

Also (back to killing), it is wrong to deliberately take anothers life. Ok, i see your point that if a person is killed quickly then for them there is no pain (I don't think, even two seconds of extreme agony may appear like an hour) but what then of the person that has taken this life? Should they then be free to kill whomever they please? If you answered no, then this is why killing is bad.

I agree death may not be bad once it's actually happened as you won't know about it anyway. That's what being dead is really all about, skunkush not no more. Yet, before the event then it is bad... death is only good if you actually want to die.


New Member
People cry about death all the time. You don't even need to have known the people involved to shed a tear for their non-existence. It's not feeling sorry for yourself. If this were true then why shed a tear for a stranger?

The younger the person is the harder it is to deal with. We accept that you die when you're old, we can even come to accept accidents over time. But some dickhead taking out my son with a shot to the back of the head (I don't care about how quick it was) you think I'd be crying because I feel sorry for myself?

This coming from you preo', that feels sorry for himself (from time to time) because he hasn't got what he feels he deserves? There's going to come a time preo' when this numbness of yours is going to evaporate and you are going to feel the pain of the world.

You need to take a large dose of XTC, you need to feel the love.


Well-Known Member
found on
/dɛθ/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[deth] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun 1.the act of dying; the end of life; the total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions of an organism. Compare brain death."
thats what death is. the social effects afterward are something else. fuck the family members. honestly, im a pretty compashionate guy but im not gonna accept something as immoral just because it seems that way at face value.

so if we can agree that an instant, painless death isnt necessarily a bad thing for the murdered, i guess we're halfway to agreeing. how do u figure that the emotional distress of the family is the fault of the murderer rather than their own selfishness?

see, this is where i start to find the grey area, but im not claiming that murder is good. im just saying that its not inherently bad...


New Member
see, this is where i start to find the grey area, but im not claiming that murder is good. im just saying that its not inherently bad...
I know what inherent means, but I don't understand what you mean by 'inherently bad'. Do you mean as in not universally believed, as in people just pretend to believe killing is bad?


Well-Known Member
no, im sure folks think that killing is bad thru and thru. i dont think that the aftereffects are directly connected to the ending of a life. like, can i say that its my brothers fault that i break my leg while on his skateboard because he let me use it? if an entire family gets ripped apart due to depression and financial instability its not the doing of the murderer. there are many other variables that cause the aftereffects. if we lived in societies where ppl didnt get depressed after the passing of a loved one the situation would be very different.

when somebody gets killed, it ends there. death itself isnt known to be a bad thing, so killing isnt known to be a bad thing either. kinda black and white i guess, ur opinion of this sort of thing may just be based on ur personality and the most basic way u see the world. but if i quit being so stubborn in trying to prove my point i will say that killing doesnt do much good in modern society. is that what u wanted to hear?