Is there anything wrong with my plant? [PICTURES]


Well-Known Member
Welp now you've scared me Mechanical, cause now I have to get nutes.. And I'm really not interested in buying anything.. so is there a way I can make nutes? From house hold supplys or nature itself?
Making your own compost pile would take too long. You would have to buy something if you want this seedling to make it.

Green Life

Argh ;_; well if I must, what should I buy.. It has to be from a nearby store, cannot order ANYTHING what so ever online. Walmart, Home Depot, or Lowes.


Active Member
Looks ok for now suppose.

Stem and leaves look good, no purpling or yellowing.
What does Purple stems mean? I have 1 of 5 with purple stems.. its is doing well.. but also seems to have more ups and downs. Its on week 7 with less purple then it had, the others have none.


Well-Known Member
What does Purple stems mean? I have 1 of 5 with purple stems.. its is doing well.. but also seems to have more ups and downs. Its on week 7 with less purple then it had, the others have none.
Purple stems can mean a lot of things, lets not get into it now, too complicated but its definatly not a fashion statement by the plant. Peace


Well-Known Member
What does Purple stems mean? I have 1 of 5 with purple stems.. its is doing well.. but also seems to have more ups and downs. Its on week 7 with less purple then it had, the others have none.
Your usually not supposed to jack other peoples threads but that was your first post.. Phorsphorus def most likely caused by ph lockout. If you want a more detailed answer hit up the plant problem forum.


Well-Known Member
Purple stems is down to calcium deficiency as well, can be associated with phosphorous but calcium is more popular. Like i said dont get me started on the colour purple, it will go away when every variable is right, somthing to achieve in every grow. Peace and drop the purple discussion, too much for me to go on about. Peace


Well-Known Member
Argh ;_; well if I must, what should I buy.. It has to be from a nearby store, cannot order ANYTHING what so ever online. Walmart, Home Depot, or Lowes.
You pretty much have two options here. Either start over with another seed all together in a new setup or try to transplant this one to another setup. That soil is going to give you way too many problems. Not just the fact that its dead but its not optimal for root growth. It will clump as it is doing right now inhibiting root growth, stay way too moist causing root rot, and will not supply your roots with enough oxygen.
What i suggest you do is go to a garden center and buy some organic soil and some perlite. If you cant go to a garden center or a hydro shop try wally world or hoe depot but your going to be limited to a whole array of Mircale Grow soils(havent been in a while so there might be other organic soils there). Miracle grow soils have time release nutes in them and are hard to manage not too mention have bad ph fluctuation problems. If you have to get miracle grow get the organic kind. Organic soil will last you for around a month or longer before you have to do anything to it. That will give you a month to read up on brewing teas to keep it organic or go with maybe a Fox Farm line of nutes if you dont mind chemicals and dont mind paying alot. Brewing your own teas is way cheaper and i think you can get everything you need at home depot to make your own and if you hit up the organic forum im sure there are ''how to's'' on teas. Get your light about 2 to 3 inches from the leaves with flo's. Feel free to pm me if you are serious about saving her(you hope) and have more questions:)


Active Member
dude you should go and have a good soil if you want experience something,ı did the same thing as you..get the soil without ferts from my garden..and could change only the half of it at late veg.this shit is too heavy and hard.plant cant even absorbing the nutes and water.u have to dig every 3-4 days for oxygen and absorbing.its also bad for drainage..ı had to open lots of holes after realizing it.and it really slows the growth.not talking about the plant problems which are probably about it.also buy the cheapest ferts containing n-p-k with another containing seconder elements cal-mag,zinc,etc.if you want an oganic grow u need a soil mixed with ferts like bat shit,worm shit,fish emulsion or some other shits.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Problem #1 your probably watering it to much. Never water it unless the top 2 inches of the soil is dry.
Problem #2 it looks like the medium that you are using is more dirt then soil.
Problem #3 your going to have nute problems because with out nutes your plant will end up dieing most plants start needing some type of plant food around 2 to 3 weeks old.

It looks like your lights isn't close enough to the plant. How far away is the lights from your plants?

If you want to grow it naturally then use organic plant food that's as close as your going to get for giving it natural food. If you want to go really natural grow your own food get composting warms and make your own compost soil and use that to put your plants in also you might be able to make compost tea from it to give them natural organic food.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
you need some thing with all the numbers ie 20-20-20. If you can find stuff that has the other numbers like 0-12-0 or 0-12-12 or 0-5-2 or some thing like that you'll be covered.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
The blood meal is more of a organic plant food. As for the compost manure depends on the numbers but its better then using the dirt that your plants are in. Make sure you buy some per lite (little white stones) to help make sure there is little pockets that will help the water drain but also help stop the dirt from compressing to much.

Green Life

Well I'm using, so if you help me find anything that would be great:] I'm in a 30 dollar budget right now since I don't have a job anymore.


Active Member
the blood meal would be fine for the first stage (vegging) of growth, but the buds would suffer. The NPK numbers on the front of the bag (12-0-0) tell me that the nitrogen ratio is too high. Nitrogen is great for leafy growth, but you're going to need the other numbers too (Phosphorous and Potassium) for supporting root development and bud production.

Green Life

To all of yall, I really appreciate all the help.. I will rep everyone for this, thank you so much.. Keep it comming! =3