Is there anything you dont like about pot?


Well-Known Member
I only have one real complaint when I smoke. The munchies. I am literally eating myself out of house and home. And the weight gain is another thing. I cant help it. Its always the worst after I initially eat something. I could go hours without eating in the beginning. Once I eat something I have to eat more.

What are some of the things you dont like about pot if any?

Anyone know of any cures for this or home remedy's?


Active Member
I only have one real complaint when I smoke. The munchies. I am literally eating myself out of house and home. And the weight gain is another thing. I cant help it. Its always the worst after I initially eat something. I could go hours without eating in the beginning. Once I eat something I have to eat more.

What are some of the things you dont like about pot if any?

Anyone know of any cures for this or home remedy's?
Just don't eat, man. I have the same problem. If you are going to eat, try to avoid eating late at night.

As for what I hate, I hate pot diseases. I had mold trouble (with stuff I had bought) for a few months, and now I'm completely OCD about how my nug looks.


Well-Known Member
I kinda hate that once you smoke, only time can bring you down. It probably doesn't make sense, but I wish that I could just not be high sometimes after a while.


Well-Known Member
My hate to it is the bloodshot eyes.......Like reallly you the munchies i can stand but does it really have to make me stand out like sore thumb in the crowd...hey look at that guys eyes hes as high as a kite.....Gosh when i was younger i never had a problem with my eyes then idk what changed now it looks like there allways RED LOL


Well-Known Member
Best way to curb munchies is to have only healthy-type stuff to eat hanging around. Once I stopped buying beef jerky and started stocking up on apples... things got lots better.

The thing I don't like about weed... is that I rarely have any means to get any. I don't have much money... and the money I do have is usually spent on things like.... rent and the phone bill. I'd grow my own, but I'd need money to get supplies. So... yeah. The cost. That's what I don't like about it.

That... and when it's all gone. That's the fuckin' worst.


Active Member
My hate to it is the bloodshot eyes.......Like reallly you the munchies i can stand but does it really have to make me stand out like sore thumb in the crowd...hey look at that guys eyes hes as high as a kite.....Gosh when i was younger i never had a problem with my eyes then idk what changed now it looks like there allways RED LOL
my mate uses clear eyes so his parents dont notice they work perfect:mrgreen:! and i definitely hate going on missions to find weed eg i one time went to 6or 7dealers in 2 streets still did not get on!!!!:cuss:


Well-Known Member
I can usually only afford a bananna a day, some days I dont even eat, and my munchies can get unreal at times, I have learned to not let it bother me.


Active Member
Because it hasn't been tested for depression.
of course pot is a downer, but it still affects the serotonin levels which the equivalence of just about any other synthetic they've tried in hte last decade.
But i just don't think it should be tossed to the side without any clinical trial.
Everything effects people diffrently. I know i laugh alot more when i'm baked. +)


Well-Known Member
I'm psycho sensitive to it. In high school I was always the stoner that was painfully obvious that I was baked. After a 15 year break and starting toking again I've found that little has changed. I'm one of the few people I know who can actually smoke too much.

If I get too high I start to get dizzy and nauseated, it doesn't matter the strain or anything else if I toke too much too fast I may get sick. It's only happened 3 times but it still sucks...

When I'm not too high, I get couch lock like nobodies business. I love the feeling and the introspective way I get but I'm a horrible social smoker so I pretty much have to smoke alone. It's good for helping me sleep and warding off migraines but it only works at night when I don't have to work or socialize. Even with clear eyes everyone I encounter would know I'm baked, I simply can't fake being sober when I'm high. That's what I don't like.

Logically I should be developing a tolerance but I'm not. I take 3 good pulls from the vape and I'm baked for 4 - 6 hours. I've been toking every night since Mid Dec and still get as wasted as I did the night I toked up for the first time in 15 years.



Well-Known Member
I can usually only afford a bananna a day, some days I dont even eat, and my munchies can get unreal at times, I have learned to not let it bother me.
Seems like you need to get your prioritys straight bro. Not trying to be mean, but if you can only afford a bananna a day, you need to stop wasting your money on weed.


Well-Known Member
Dude its like were the same fucking person. I know exactly what you mean by the spinning and dizziness. I literally have to lay down at that point.

I'm psycho sensitive to it. In high school I was always the stoner that was painfully obvious that I was baked. After a 15 year break and starting toking again I've found that little has changed. I'm one of the few people I know who can actually smoke too much.

If I get too high I start to get dizzy and nauseated, it doesn't matter the strain or anything else if I toke too much too fast I may get sick. It's only happened 3 times but it still sucks...

When I'm not too high, I get couch lock like nobodies business. I love the feeling and the introspective way I get but I'm a horrible social smoker so I pretty much have to smoke alone. It's good for helping me sleep and warding off migraines but it only works at night when I don't have to work or socialize. Even with clear eyes everyone I encounter would know I'm baked, I simply can't fake being sober when I'm high. That's what I don't like.

Logically I should be developing a tolerance but I'm not. I take 3 good pulls from the vape and I'm baked for 4 - 6 hours. I've been toking every night since Mid Dec and still get as wasted as I did the night I toked up for the first time in 15 years.



I don't like it when I smoke like every hour and a half, right when I'm coming down, light up again, I don't really feel it the same way so it's kind of a waste. I don't do that very much because of that.

Or coming down in the middle of work, that blows!

I hate when I get a strain and right after I smoke it it knocks me on my ass and I end up sleeping for a few hours! I like the herb that keeps your brain awake and active.


Well-Known Member
It depends on my mood. Sometimes I like something that can glue me to the couch for hours on end... and sometimes I like something that'll get my mind working in weird ways and make me bubbly and hyper. I always end up writing terrible poetry when I'm riding a hyper-high, though... I'll think it's brilliant at the time, but without fail...I'll read it the next morning and find that it's a load of garbage. LOL


Well-Known Member
Because it hasn't been tested for depression.
of course pot is a downer, but it still affects the serotonin levels which the equivalence of just about any other synthetic they've tried in hte last decade.
But i just don't think it should be tossed to the side without any clinical trial.
Everything effects people diffrently. I know i laugh alot more when i'm baked. +)
pot doesn't affect serotonin levels at all. it doesn't even /touch/ serotonin.

thc binds to the cannabinoid receptor and then the cannabinoid receptor triggers the release of dopamine. dopamine is the downer in this, not pot. pot just triggers it. and there have been many reports of pot having stimulating and calming effects so your logic doesn't really apply to this.