Is there pain in sleeping pill OD?

Juan Abongheet

Well-Known Member
a cousin of mine recently killed himself(two days ago) by hanging. Left his family and 3 month old son. Dude nothing is ever bad enough to kill yourself, there are people who live under bridges and eat garbage and they have the will to live.

I agree! Not to sound cheesy, but the reason we live today right now is special- thats why its called the 'present'! Anyways, most OTC sleeping pills, like Tylenol PM are nothing but a sleeping aid and of course Tylenol or aspirin (acetaminophen) which would cause liver damage and stomach bleeding; neither of which will kill you right away. You may as well drown yourself or stab yourself in the stomach and bleed to death because thats essentially what it does, but internally.
Death is simply a transition from this consciousness to the next phase, we are simply led to believe it is the ultimatum and the end of life. Its not- believe in physics? Energy never is destroyed or created, only transferred from party to party.