Is there really a Difference in Mushrooms?

cyans :D again cyans are a wholeeeeeeeeee diff story

fuck man took me by the cajones i wasnt expecting that much in a trip change
cube is a cube but Pancyan is the ish ... if you can get pooh its the best kind of shroom 4-6 times stronger the cubes and the high is nicer..
best of luck

And to what extent does the trip vary in mileage between Cyanescens and Cubensis... if both contain psilocin and psilocybin as the main psychoactive material?
Thought so.

My point exactly. Psilocin is the main hallucinatory by product of mushrooms. Psilocybin is more akinto a body load, mind frame, and metabolic processes.
Thought so.

My point exactly. Psilocin is the main hallucinatory by product of mushrooms. Psilocybin is more akinto a body load, mind frame, and metabolic processes.

eesh.... idk if id go so far as to say that

becasue psylocibin gets converted to psylocin in the body...

not all

so you can never really gadge a pure psylocibin experience the closest you can get to it is the come up when your body hasnt converted it yet
eesh.... idk if id go so far as to say that

becasue psylocibin gets converted to psylocin in the body...

not all

so you can never really gadge a pure psylocibin experience the closest you can get to it is the come up when your body hasnt converted it yet

I like the science of uncertainty... as expectations never give rise to a good load of dopamine. ;)

My previously statement was a bit much. The only way to get steady results from a mushroom specimen is to clone certain specimens to fit a criteria... I suppose.

Psilocybin turns into psilocin in vitro. Should we conduct a personal study? ;)
liberty caps definetly blow you away more than cubensis. Also the hawiians are more emotional from the others.
liberty's are what i picked when i did pick as they were the easiest to identify

but in no way do i suggest this to anyone
hahaha but no seriously picking is only for people who know what they are doing when identifying fungi
LBM's: Little Brown Mushrooms
The cap is brown, the stem a shade browner, the gills browner still. This can be said of nearly one half of all the mushrooms you find. On even the most casual jaunt through the woods, you'll find dozens and dozens of Little Brown Mushrooms sprouting at your feet, and very likely under them as well. The fact is, Little Brown Mushrooms ("LBM's") are so overwhelmingly abundant and uncompromisingly undistinguished that it is more than just futile for the beginner to attempt to identify them -- it is downright foolish.
Does anyone have a preference between strains from the Americas vs. Asian strains?

It might just be the crap shoot that is multispore, but overall, I've had far better luck with strains originating in the western hemisphere over strains from Asia. Notice some morphological differences too. In my experience, the South American strains are much more robust with thick, meaty stems and large caps. The Asian strains tend to be more gracile in appearance with slightly smaller yields and a bit more finicky sometimes.