Is there something wrong with my girls?

Hi, I'm just wondering if my plants look like there's any problems with it, I notice there's some leaves with small rust-like dots forming and some leaves curling and twisting which I know is a ph problem, also tho there's some leaves where there's yellow blotches forming as well , so I'm kind of worried to see what kind of nute def it could be, I am feeding it biocanna bio-vega by the way.



Well-Known Member
They look pretty healthy to me. Leave curl and twist and blotches are probably combination of ph and overferting but only slightly cause they do look healthy.
Here's an update on what they look like and I even put up pics of what I was talking about, the rusty spots and little yellow blotches. Also a lot of my leaves are turning eagle claw....can someone tell me what that means as well? Hopefully its nothing too serious, I just wanna prevent anything from happening

