Is there something wrong with my plants? HELP :-(



I'm on day 26 flower. Under a 400w with a couple of 65w CFLs. It's a coco/perlite 50/50 mix.

I know this is gonna sound silly, but this is the first time i've photographed them flowering during their night phase!! When i looked back at the photos I was a little worried that some of the leaves were not looking right.


As you can see I have them in a scrog setup.

Anyway, hoping some of you pros could tell me if they look ok or not.

BTW, the Ph is in the 5.8/5.9 region and they are being fed Coco Bloom at 55% mix




Well-Known Member
First off, nice bud production for only 26 days. Wondering if you are adding any additional cal/mag? It might just be a slight N deficiency.


Thanks for the nice comment regarding bud production. I'm quite amazed myself :-D

N Deficiency? Nitrogen? They did have a slight bout of over-watering about 10 days ago. Could that have contributed?


Well-Known Member
some nutes cut back on N for the flowering phase and leaves will start to yellow earlier. you could try giving them some of the vegging nutes and see how it goes or some organic stuff.