is there somthing wronge ?


stick your finger in the corner, so you won't disturb the plant... if it feels dry... moisten it... but truthfully... since i'm using a mist... whenever it looks dry, i just apply like 4-5 squirts... but having a schedule helps... like spraying every 12 hours... but that depends on how hot your grow area is, because that can dry the soil faster... my first time, i just applied whenever it look dry, but since i got better, now i have a schedule that works for me and my grow area...but what i said the first time is good also... whenever it looks dry, 4-5 squirts should be good.. but if you're doing this like 4 times a day.. thats too much

when you first get the seed germinated... you dont have to put perlite in the container unless thats what you're planning to use for a very long time... perlite is good for when a plant have a lot of roots... but just starting off in a cup, you don't really need it... gently squeezing the sides will loosen it up.. also, some perlite has an NPK that isn't good for seedlings, because seedlings don't need anything its first couple of weeks... thats why you have to slowly give them nutes like in its 3rd to 4th week... so, perlite with an NPK can hurt the germinated it would be good to add perlite in your first transplant and your last transplant... but that depends if thats your strategy... some people don't transfer and use one container through their whole grow

good thing you have a fan now... it really does help.. it will give them stronger stems

as far as a straw goes... i'm not sure... interesting idea though... maybe placing 4 straws and punching tiny holes all over it...i don't know... cool though.. wish we could get some feedback on that...
all these people saying 2-3 weeks to break soil, are you absolutley mad?

he's right... 2-3 weeks and its time to worry...if i don't see my sprouts within a certain amount of time, i'll slowly take off the layers... but usually by that time, the seeds tail is deformed or something... and its time to start over... thats why i like bagseeds... all the times i've messed up... it didn't cost me anything.. except soil...
kinda dry so misted them 5 sprays lol .. yeah im plannin to move them into another pot and leav them in the bigger pot in bout 3 / 4 weeks so yh ill ad perlite then .. my mate said he does eactly what u said he gets a pin n does loads of tiny holes up the straw then places it in all 4 corners of a pot and he said it makes moving plants alot easyer koz roots are alot better but he said the main benefit is that he gets really healthy leaths n such . also he said a great idea is to put a c02 tablet in a small cup at top of grow every 2 weeks n the c02 jus falls dwn onto plants n it really makes them grow faster lol hes been growing snow white and at 4 weeks shes already 17inches tall in veg lol n all he uses is a 125w maxibright grow light frm hydro shop and 4 25w energy bulbs which is equvilant to bout 600w lol
kinda dry so misted them 5 sprays lol .. yeah im plannin to move them into another pot and leav them in the bigger pot in bout 3 / 4 weeks so yh ill ad perlite then .. my mate said he does eactly what u said he gets a pin n does loads of tiny holes up the straw then places it in all 4 corners of a pot and he said it makes moving plants alot easyer koz roots are alot better but he said the main benefit is that he gets really healthy leaths n such . also he said a great idea is to put a c02 tablet in a small cup at top of grow every 2 weeks n the c02 jus falls dwn onto plants n it really makes them grow faster lol hes been growing snow white and at 4 weeks shes already 17inches tall in veg lol n all he uses is a 125w maxibright grow light frm hydro shop and 4 25w energy bulbs which is equvilant to bout 600w lol

that straw idea does make sense...can't lie...

as for the CO2 tab... i heard about that...never tried it though.. i just made a DIY CO2 generator...

but there was a study that i read, where they gave one house plant "rain water" and the other plant, "NO SODIUM Seltzer Water"... it showed the one with Seltzer water grew healthier than the one with rain water... they said they believe its because the bubbles help loosen the dirt around the roots and they didn't know plants like CO2 through the roots.. they thought it was only the leaves that accepted CO2... but the roots seem to take both CO2 and oxygen... they also believed the bubbles and CO2 helped the plant take in more nutrients through its roots... since a plant don't use many of the nutes you give it because its unable to really absorb it through water... but like i said.. it was a study... the reason it has to be NO SODIUM, is that salt is bad for plants and could cause a salt build up...i told people on here this before, and many didn't believe me and said that plants don't take CO2 through roots... and these are people who never tried it, but they were arguing with people who conducted an experiment and recorded everything... so at times their will be methods where others will call it stupid, not because they know the real info, but because of ignorance...
Before you plant seeds, drop them in a cup of water (tap will work) and leave them somewhere warm overnight, like near the boiler.

The seed contains most of the cells the seedling will have, including a baby root and two pairs of leaves, the cotyledons. The cells are like deflated balloons. When moisture gets through the seed hull, they start to swell up, break the hull and escape.

Soaking them overnight helps make them realize it's safe to grow. Most of the growth you see at first is just the baby cells swelling up with water. I plotted a graph of mine growing for a month or so. They have a massive burst of growth that last for about a week or two, then it very definitely changes speed, it slows down to about half of what it was. That's it changing over from just swelling with water to having to grow new cells.

If you need to get a seedling out of the soil, you might find it easier to put the soil in a sieve and gently wash it off with water.

Keeping them somewhere 20 - 25C will help. Packing the soil down over them can make it take a while longer until you see them break through. They're there, they're just digging up through the soil.

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i might give that straw thing a go with a fem seed iv got frm my mate cant hurt it was free lol n im sure i read that experiment somewhere . peach thanks for the advize dude ill take it in to account .. so has anyone got any ideas how i could make a exhaust fan iv heard frm ppl that if u wire up a pc fan n turn it the oppisit way it will suk rather than blow ?????
get 2 pc fans... have one blowing in and the other blowing out... one for bringing in fresh air, and the other to get rid of the stale air and help get rid of some heat....

but pc fans are ideal for small grow areas, like buckets, pc cases, cabinets, grow box...

the larger the cabinet, the more pc fans you would have to add... but if its a large area, like a grow room, theres no point
im doing it in a ordianry couboard bout 6.5 foot high n 4 foot wide .. i have 1 12cm fan in the wall of cuboard 2 6cm on either side and a big 25cm pc fan sucking air out but im using the new maxibright lights which have been rated no1 for low heat so yh lol oh and i have that lil desktop fan which will face the stems
all walls are flat white and the bulb has a batwing reflector on it which i can change for flowering coz i have a spare reflector which is purpose built for flowering lol so yh wat u tink of sewtup for 1st time ?? tips for urgrading room on 4 next grow much aprciated plz reply
Before you plant seeds, drop them in a cup of water (tap will work) and leave them somewhere warm overnight, like near the boiler.

The seed contains most of the cells the seedling will have, including a baby root and two pairs of leaves, the cotyledons. The cells are like deflated balloons. When moisture gets through the seed hull, they start to swell up, break the hull and escape.

Soaking them overnight helps make them realize it's safe to grow. Most of the growth you see at first is just the baby cells swelling up with water.

If you need to get a seedling out of the soil, you might find it easier to put the soil in a sieve and gently wash it off with water.

Keeping them somewhere 20 - 25C will help. Packing the soil down over them can make it take a while longer until you see them break through. They're there, they're just digging up through the soil.

-if you like my reply, pls post in my bulb poll (sig)-
kk thanks my girls ..what you growing n lights ect
veg room 400wtt mh 18/6 for 2 months or 3ft tall. sunshine soil 19 gal. pot veg nuts in pic. below at 3 weeks olds i start with nuts mixing all veg nuts togerher feed every watering every 3 days. flower under 1000wtt hps. bloom nuts in pic. below i stop veg nuts 5 waterings before switching over to 12/12, and i start feeding the bud blood upto the day of 12/12. then i stop the bud blood and mix up all other bloom nuts in the pic. together and feed every watering every 3 days, and flush for a week1/2 when time to harvest. :hump: heres my setup. good luck hope this helps.</param><param




that link isn't working...

plus you have it on YouTube... aren't you a little scared... YouTube is a funny site
lol so what would you advise if my seedsdont sprout .. they were allgerminated .. i personallyt think there ok jus will take a wile due to the deph i planted them at
For people that have disagreed with the possibility of a 2 to 3 weeks germination period...

This information comes from The Cannabis Grow Bible by Greg Green.

Im only saying what I read.