is there somthing wronge ?

For people that have disagreed with the possibility of a 2 to 3 weeks germination period...

This information comes from The Cannabis Grow Bible by Greg Green.

Im only saying what I read.

not saying you can't... i said.. i would be worried

and germinating for 2 to 3 weeks would rot the seed...

if you're talking about planting a seed and watering the soil, so it would germinate and sprout in the soil... now thats a totally different story...

but if you're germinating a seed in a paper towel method and the seed having a tail... then planting it... you wouldn't expect it to take 2-3 weeks to sprout... its already germinated...
super bloom and big bud seems like a good mixture, judging by the pics... wanted to get super bloom and something else.. damn, forgot the name
lol im on a very tight budget and i mean very cheap so i was wondering if i could bypass giving them any veg nutes and just wait for flowering coz i have sum flowering nutes only or is there a tomato nute or supermarket nute i could use (remember i live in uk)
go buy the smallest box...

you don't need a large supply of nutes...

when you mix the solutions, you're using tablespoon or teaspoon amounts... so a couple of dollars is really gonna last a long time... the nutes is to help it grow properly... your plant will need Nitrogen during Veg and it doesn't really need it at all for flowering.... if it doesn't get the Nitrogen, your plant won't go far... or at least thats what i believe... when it was time for my plants to get nutes... they started to slowly die... once they got the nutes... they got healthy again...
as far as giving them tomato nutes and other nutes.. i'm not sure... i use an all purpose plant food like MYGIRL is using, by MG... he has the big container.. i bought the small ass box for a few dollars... i used a couple scoops for a gallon of water... and just have the gallon of water sitting there for whenever i need it, while the box is stored... so basically, i have that for a very long time... i think he'll be way better in answering your nute question
i would pick number 4 not because its the best out of the 4... its because i already know the npk... but definately not number 3... you want it to be water soluble... i don't know the npk of 1 or 2... but many people use miracle grow all purpose for veg... and use something else for flowering...
to know more about organics, you should go to the organic forum.. those guys know all that stuff... can't help you when it comes to organics
so you would advise number 4 for veg yes ?? i have cannaterra flores for flowering .. suposed to be pretty good ?? what about the seaweed one dude
u really aRE a great help man i hope u k knw dat without ppl like u i wouldnt have growing plantsor any idea lol i knw i sound like a sado soz
so you would advise number 4 for veg yes ?? i have cannaterra flores for flowering .. suposed to be pretty good ?? what about the seaweed one dude
u really aRE a great help man i hope u k knw dat without ppl like u i wouldnt have growing plantsor any idea lol i knw i sound like a sado soz

trust me.. i'm glad to help.. i know how it is.. it can be frustrating at times...

i use number 4...just know that you MUST NOT use the amount they say... you HAVE to use LESS than half of what they say to use, when you first use it... because its strong... and slowly add more whenever you give it nutes
so what are the numbers for it ?? npk or whatever it is lol
also for example if they say use 100ml for 1litre what should i use when starting and what should i incres by eg; 10ml ect ??
im such a newb i love smokin the stuff n fort it wud b ok but widout u pplz id b fukd lol
for all the ppl that have heard about my problems with the seeds ect well i have exelent news for you all ... i have jus waterd my plants and about 1/4 in under the soil my plants are trying to say hello there curld a lil is this normal.. on one of the plants i can clearly see the leavs ect so happy .. the only plant not to show any sign is the tenth 1 i planted yestaday .. so for future reference to newbis and for me is .. planting them to deep will take longer for the sprout to reach top level (common sence but to newbis its worrying lol) ill keep u all posred on there well being n grow rate ect .. thanks ppl 4 ur advize nm info
so what are the numbers for it ?? npk or whatever it is lol
also for example if they say use 100ml for 1litre what should i use when starting and what should i incres by eg; 10ml ect ??
im such a newb i love smokin the stuff n fort it wud b ok but widout u pplz id b fukd lol

the NPK for the MG is 24=8=16
if its 100ml for 1 litre... use about 20ml-25ml starting off... but only when it needs it.. you don't want to cause nute burn if its not ready for nutes
so it roughly about a quator of what they say .. would i be right in thinking that i would follow this plan if the amount they said was 100ml for 1litre
1st week = 25ml per 1litre
2nd week = 50ml per 1litre
3rd week = 75ml per 1litre
4th week = 100ml per 1litre ???

yeah i relized how worried i was lol now they are above ther surface i can see there progress and problems when they were under it was like a blind game lol .. hows yours going i have a picture of the most grown 1 which ill post later .. looks amazing .. i really shouldnt have worried so much because i got my seeds sataday and today (friday) 80% are showing jus below surface lol worrys are a newbis main problem because i really dnt know this and that which you lot do which is down to exp .. if you lot ever come uk let me know ill have to repay ya with stinky drippin buds lol