Is there such a thing as TOO much wind on clones?


Well-Known Member
I'm starting some clones under an 8 bulb HO t-5 with the lamp about 6-8 inches above the plants and I'm experiencing some leaf curling that I'm having trouble diagnosing. They've been under the lamp for 4 or 5 days now and it nearly looks like a heat issue but my temp is at a nice 79-82 all the time.

They're currently in happy frog soil and have not been given any nutes yet, but I do have 2 fans (1 high velocity) blowing on the clones and in addition to the leaf curling, it looks like the clones closest to the big fan are showing what appears to be dehydrated necrosis but they have a dark green color and they're kind of twisting. Exactly what I would expect a moisture sapped leaf to look like. Also, water is ph'd at 6.3-6.5 after sitting out for 24 hours from the tap.

I'm waiting for my camera to charge up so I'll post pics soon as I can.

Can't wait to hear some responses from seasoned clone veterans b/c jonny has to get this train back on the tracks asap!


Well-Known Member
Yea. Google marijuana windburn, edges will curl and burn looking similar to heat stress but...not
......I'm pretty surprised you don't know this, just based on how many green bars ya got and post count

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I'm pretty surprised you don't know this, just based on how many green bars ya got and post count
Out here thanks to all the trolls you can get a full rep bar just by not being an asshole, so judgement should be withheld. Also, you don't learn until you run into a fuck-up Sir.

Johnny, your gut feel might just be spot on. But wind-burn will give you yellow edges too, it looks quite horrible really. Clones are sensitive things, they need a little bit les of EVERYTHING for the first week at least (until you see fresh growth). Less wind, less nutes, less light, lower temps etc.

May I ask you to please post a picture or two? Sure I can help you out mate, but as they say a picture paints a thousand words and I don't want to go on and give you shit advice!


Well-Known Member
Yea. Google marijuana windburn, edges will curl and burn looking similar to heat stress but...not
......I'm pretty surprised you don't know this, just based on how many green bars ya got and post count
It amazes me that douche bags from other states are now coming to the Michigan threads because of all moronic fighting in here so they can get in on it. It must be true that only two things come out of texas :lol:


New Member
Hey Jonny my friend , a little tip from the old school .. A fly should be able to land on a plant and remain without struggle .. The current is to strong otherwise .

Illegal Wonder

Well-Known Member
Hey Jonny my friend , a little tip from the old school .. A fly should be able to land on a plant and remain without struggle .. The current is to strong otherwise .
I've read in a few places that proper wind current will keep pests from landing/breeding on your plants. If you make it so fly's can comfortably land on your leaves why couldn't other pests? Is there any truth to what I've read? I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm new and only know what I've read...

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I've read in a few places that proper wind current will keep pests from landing/breeding on your plants. If you make it so fly's can comfortably land on your leaves why couldn't other pests? Is there any truth to what I've read? I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm new and only know what I've read...
Having wind blow the bugs away sounds a bit wrong to me mate... I get bugs on outdoor plants and we can have some insane winds here...


New Member
I've read in a few places that proper wind current will keep pests from landing/breeding on your plants. If you make it so fly's can comfortably land on your leaves why couldn't other pests? Is there any truth to what I've read? I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm new and only know what I've read...
You might be surprised when putting a housefly to the test , they have a strong endurance level and really can take some wind as a guinea pig , other flying insects have no chance at holding on like a fly does . Thrips and white flies will simply choose a place with lower currents as no fan will stop the flying buggers . That is where the old sticky traps come into play for me as a preventative :) .. Some species of insects ride air currents so in the end I do believe a medium setting is best all the way around when it comes to fan settings ..


Well-Known Member
"It amazes me that douche bags from other states are now coming to the Michigan threads because of all moronic fighting in here so they can get in onit. It must be true that only two things come out of texas"
You do realize when someone makes a new post it pops up under medical marijuana patients section right? And that to even know it was in the Michigan subsection you would have to scroll up and read *forum, medical marijuana,medical marijuana patients, Michigan patients.. I could care less if y'all are fighting about something... anyway sorry for my comment, I realize it was a bit abrasive but my thought stands.. wind burn and heat burn result from moisture being wicked from the leaves faster than the plant is able to supply it, a basic understanding of how plants work should tell you that you can have to much wind via too much transpiration...I had thought this was common sense, hence my comment..I apologize


New Member
No one has asked about your R/H. Canoeing leaves can be caused by wind blowing directly on them and a dry environment. Dry is good so if you can blow in-directly around the room you will be better off. JAS


New Member
No one has asked about your R/H. Canoeing leaves can be caused by wind blowing directly on them and a dry environment. Dry is good so if you can blow in-directly around the room you will be better off. JAS
'Good observation and point but if Jonny is subjected to a dry environment here in Michigan at this time of year he is a lucky man .. This state is as wet as a rain forest and has been for the past few weeks .. Have a good one JAS , Love the handle ..


New Member
I'm starting some clones under an 8 bulb HO t-5 with the lamp about 6-8 inches above the plants and I'm experiencing some leaf curling that I'm having trouble diagnosing. They've been under the lamp for 4 or 5 days now and it nearly looks like a heat issue but my temp is at a nice 79-82 all the time.

They're currently in happy frog soil and have not been given any nutes yet, but I do have 2 fans (1 high velocity) blowing on the clones and in addition to the leaf curling, it looks like the clones closest to the big fan are showing what appears to be dehydrated necrosis but they have a dark green color and they're kind of twisting. Exactly what I would expect a moisture sapped leaf to look like. Also, water is ph'd at 6.3-6.5 after sitting out for 24 hours from the tap.

I'm waiting for my camera to charge up so I'll post pics soon as I can.

Can't wait to hear some responses from seasoned clone veterans b/c jonny has to get this train back on the tracks asap!
Twisted leaves generally indicate a low pH and it could be pre lockout symptoms , but often clones look like hell during the new growth process when selection and procedures lacked . I have seen a lot of shitty clones sold to victims over and over in our state .. A photo will speak for itself and then we can really see what is happening there Jonny


Well-Known Member
Twisted leaves generally indicate a low pH and it could be pre lockout symptoms , but often clones look like hell during the new growth process when selection and procedures lacked . I have seen a lot of shitty clones sold to victims over and over in our state .. A photo will speak for itself and then we can really see what is happening there Jonny
Sorry for the wait fellas...fucking blackberry is a POS, so I had to run to meijer and grab a new camera. It was long overdue anyways..


My buddy I got these from is a dirty fucker and a few of these 5 clones looked a little under the weather when I got them originally...maybe some nute burn or he just took a cut with shitty leaves. The other 2 (hash plant) are looking ok with just a little bit of ram horn leaf happening most likely from too much transpiration. Just goes to show, ya buy from dirty fuckers, ya get sad looking clones that require a little tender loving care.

- Professor, it's probably worth noting that the tool I got these from saw fit to put all 5 of them straight from an ez cloner into a damn solo cup filled with water. They sat like this for 2 hours while I was at work and couldn't get home to put them in dirt. Perhaps that's a notable aspect of this current situation I'm having...ugghh can't wait. 3 more weeks, jonny reclaims his 2nd bedroom and we start cloning our OWN shit! Tired of other peoples problems becoming my problems b/c people who like to sell clones can't properly maintain their shit in any sanitary n learn I guess professor.



Well-Known Member
Jonny, tell me this isn't the same dirty buddy that gave you spider mite infested plants last time?
No sir...another guy that claimed he had awesome clones and he shows up with this shit. I just lost 5 feminized aurora's that were absolutely beautiful @ 4 weeks veg due to a miscalculation measuring out my neem oil mix - I mixed a concentrate for 1 gallon and mixed it with only 1 quart of water. New growth shriveled and growth stopped completely...plants just went into shock. I couldn't stand to look at it anymore wondering if they were gonna herm on me so I cut my losses and chalked them up to a learning mistake. It did literally make me nauseous after I cut them all off at the base and threw 'em in a trash bag...

I will say I have good news to report today 4 of the 5 look like they're bouncing back with beautiful lush new growth at the tops pointing straight up to the light and 1 is kinda slow going but I'm feeling a whole lot better about this shit today than I did yesterday.


Well-Known Member
that could be some windy burn. that or over-water just from looking at blurry pics.
ya, I actually ran out and bought this janky ass camera for $50 and it took worse pictures than my shitty blackberry did so I returned that bitch this morning and it's back to the drawing board for a digital camera to document my future fuckups :)


New Member
So the camera was not worth it I see , bummer man .. You can always find good quality cams on sale or discounted if you hunt around . I have to much invested in mine but they keep the wife happy too . The clones look better than you described my friend . It looks like they are just manifesting previous issues related to the mothers condition . They will do just fine as long as you give them proper care . I think there may be a possibility of the leaf deformity being a mutation , many lines have freakish tendencies lol . I can name many lol , just look up dj sjort crinkle leaves and you ll find many hits as this relates to inbreeding and can be a genetically predisposed trait . I do believe that your actually going to be one of the better growers in the end , the damn variables seem to spring up on you often and you bounce back well .. A little time will give more explanation with this one ..

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Johnny, the more you fuck up, the more you learn. This is just life preparing you for something SPECTACULAR you are going to pull off soon. So you have the lesson of 'never grow unverified genetics' under your belt, check that one off the list, it's a BIGGIE.
You have the lesson of 'trust no grower but thyself and thy gurus' under your belt, check that one off too. And I can see you also learned another important one: ' NEVER, EVER, take a clone from somebody else unless they are your GURU' under your belt. Good stuff, the really important ones are taken care of.
You have the big lesson of 'NEVER over-dose anything' under your belt. Already your experience is going to prevent a LOT of possible future hassle. This is good. It is how you become good at this.
Looking at the yellowed leaf edges, we have the possibility of wind-burn, nute burn, and Ca lockout due to pH problems. No droopy leaves? You didn't over-water. Taking all in consideration, I am leaning towards the wind-burn PLUS pH lockout. The neon green on some point even further towards a pH problem. Ca locks out first, then N, and so it continues until there are so many salts built up you get classic nute-burn symptoms like necrotic edges. Some of these necrotic bits seem to be a bit deep in the leaf, further pointing towards Ca lockout.

I agree with the Professor, you really are going to be one badass grower mate. Take the punches gracefully for now, hang in there. Soon nature will run out of surprises to throw at you.

Illegal Wonder

Well-Known Member
Having wind blow the bugs away sounds a bit wrong to me mate... I get bugs on outdoor plants and we can have some insane winds here...
I was speaking of indoor pests... It was something I came across a couple times when researching how to avoid mites and other pests. I guess I should have stated constant fan current instead of wind.