Is there such thing as too much light?

hi everyone,

im thinking of upgrading my 1.2msq tent to a 2.4 x 2 x 1.2m you think if i was to put 2 1000w hps light in there that would be too much light or is there even such this as too much light?

obv i would have the lights in cool tubes to get rid of all the heat.

any thought would be aprisheated


TryPs N TacKs

New Member
Might take ya a bit of money to get enough lights to equal the sun. Theres such thing as to much lights putting off to much heat is what will worry ya.
we have a reptile room here too with a 3kw electric heater and running 2 600w bulbs plus household items.obv it would be safer to use just 2 600s but do you think if i was to use an extra 800w it would rais alarm bells?