Is this a calcium and mag deff,with a little nut burn or something else entirely.


Well-Known Member
Yes, they're def. This also could be a lockout depending on ur PH.

What water?
PH ?
Ec/ ppm?
RH & temps.

Looks like u need to up the P & K too but first tell us more
well the water is half distilled and half tap,comes out at around 180 ppm's the ph of the water is 6.7...humidity is 56% and temps are a steady 75* i'am in ocean forest soil plants been in the pots for over a month started feeding with jack's classic bloom booster a 10 days ago the plant is 25 days in flowering...the soils ph it's self is 6.8


Well-Known Member
The base ppm is quite low. I mix my EC 0.0 RO with tap water to EC 0.2 as my base or I add monos Mg. Ca & sometimes N (in veg) to EC 0.2-0.3 There is prob Ca in ur tap water but not enough and also Mg.
How much have u been feeding the bloom for and what preceded it? U should prob be concentrating on ppm right now (P & K in particular) as it's not enough.
Wet soil also stops Mg absorbtion aswel as high EC but that's not it.
Have they improved in the last few days?
Get some Cal/Mg too


Well-Known Member
I see that you are flowering...they dont' look burnt so try upping the food, or even adding a tiny bit of high nitrogen bat poo...
i have feed only twice and at only 1/4 teaspoon each time the ppm's of the nutrients added to my water was 380ppm's is this to low of a ppm...i think i started to get alittle nut burn even at 1/4 teaspoon so i was afraid to feed with 1/2 teaspoon...i havnt feed with cal-mag yet i was going to do so today but wanted to get some advise before i did so...seeing as i wasnt sure if it was a cal or mag deff...that is what your saying right that it is def in cal and mag...also you said i dont have enough P&k and that i should be concentrating on ppm's so how can i get the ppm's up without feeding more nutrients because i saw alittle nut burn...


Well-Known Member
380 ppm is too low. Use less tap water and more distilled in that case but I would just do the same with the water and go up with the P & K. I would up that feed to EC 0.7 which i think is 700 ppm. They still need some N in flower but not as much. If ur worried then feed the P & K slowly but u must increase it. In a few days the bud growth will be explosive. Add the P & K before the normal bloom fert to get it to 700ppm.


New Member
first off, quit using distilled water, you have a cal/mag deficiency, you also burnt the tips and you need nitrogen. get some of the jack's 20-20-20 and alternate your feedings with that and the blossom. also get some cal/mag+ or magical. feed it every time for the next few waterings, it has 2% nitrogen.
ok now i'am confused i only use jack's classic veg and bloom for nutrients the bloom has a ratio of 10-30-20 so how am i going to add P&K TO THE BLOOM FERTS IF I NEED IT AT 700 PPM'S THEN I'LL JUST UP THE STRENGH TO 1/2 TEASPOON BUT THEN I WOULD JUST BE FEEDING THAT ONCE THEN A WATER THEN A FEED...BECAUSE I CANT FEED AT 700 PPM'S EVERYTIME I WATER CAN I OR SHOULD I BE
ok i use half tap half distilled to stabilize the ph mixing the 2 waters should stop it from sucking the nutrients out.............and that was my whole point do i have a cal-mag def. i do so i will add cal-mag to every watering and then alternate feedings as suggested...


Well-Known Member
yes do that, and make sure you get the ppm on feedings up to 700 with the P & K. I wouldn't water with run off until they look better - u don't want to reduce the EC / ppm of the pot by flushing more nutes out. Feed twice first IMO


Well-Known Member
They're not that bad at all, yes there is Mg def too but you can fix this. Remember to flush and stop feeding 10-14 days before. Think you'll have a nice harvest there - well done !!
thanks,yea the cal-mag should clear that up...those pics i had up yesterday was of the lower older leaves some of which had deff from early veg and just hadnt fell of yet...but you could see they needed feed because the newer growth was getting alittle lite green,but overall not bad...this friday will start the 5th week of flowering so i want them to explode in the next week or so!


Well-Known Member
Once you can see the improvement, in the next few waterings, you should then alternate ur feeding with plain water and a touch of Mg. Keep the PH consistant and remove leaves that are more than 50% damaged as this is a waste of energy for the plant plus it'll look better instantly.

You need to watch the new growth and buds too.
yea definetly,want to get the ppm's up this next time i will feed with plain water with another half to a quarter teaspoon of cal-mag and see how things are...they are just now getting their smell...CAN'T WAIT!!!