Is this a calcium deficiency?

Add some kind of kashi,i.e. grokashi, kashi blend, bokashi on top of amendments and castings, then mulch. It'll help break the dry amendments down faster, and it'll send feeder roots to the surface, so on your next top dress, they'll be right there waiting. Make a nutrient tea with castings and dry amendments for some readily available nutrients and microbes to bring your soil life up.
I was talking to you you're the one that said you've never tested soil

Yesterday at 11:00 PM
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I mean Ive never tested soil once, only h20 I put in.. have had zero problems since i've started to follow Budz K.i.s.s. method.. May I suggest the soil jedi on this forum? he has an extremely easy to use guide... to soil grows with ffof. and never tests the soil... only pHs the water. And his results.. and mine as soon as I got the hang of it.. are stellar...

Keep it simple...leave the slurry tests to the coco guys :)

You don't even know what you say, lol

If you are using his method and that's what you're referring to, guaranteed he had to check soil before landing on that method. I grow organically I dont check soil either. But I cant say I've never and will never check medium conditions

He never tests the soil either. he states that page one, try reading the thread.....its right after he said the soil is PH'd to 6.5 from the bag... infact during the thread he never mentions testing soil... and as this was my first indoor grow as ive indicated....I havent tested soil yet, I have the capability to do so... but Didnt have any PH problems....I Just have never watered directly into a 5gal i over did it....and brought on fungus gnats....after that cleared up it was clear sailing. top dressed once in wk2 flwr. with an evenly distributed hand full of FFOF and once 2 weeks later with a as per box reading on the 3-3-3 jobe's ratio with a liter water....calmag/kelp were added every water......., my mix is ffhp 25%, 50%ffof, and ff strawberry fields...all amended with 25% perlite and Jobe's recommended throw it in dry to however many gallon pot you got directly into soil.......didnt even require anything to almost 50 days,,,.....So...yeep...doesnt mention taking slurry, infact he stresses never usually watering to run off.. AT ALL, shoot many surprised someone as seemingly OG as you would fail to read before you made an assumption... just like keep it simple stupid...kiss ., know what happens when u assume right?
But yeah anyways, OP... take whoevers advice, but theres about 10 different variations, I dont recall ANYONE taking a slurry or watering to run off, some LIGHT K / P needs, bout it....some minor burned tips with initiate planting....and plenty of calmag/kelp/myco/...from what i remember, like 3-4 ppl posted good results using that exact method, was successful for me,, so figured I'd offer

Add some kind of kashi,i.e. grokashi, kashi blend, bokashi on top of amendments and castings, then mulch. It'll help break the dry amendments down faster, and it'll send feeder roots to the surface, so on your next top dress, they'll be right there waiting. Make a nutrient tea with castings and dry amendments for some readily available nutrients and microbes to bring your soil life up.
yeah some people were making tea with FFOF even, and had good results.
@Budzbuddah did you check ph and or ppm before you realized you didn't have to

We can't tag people on here?

He never tests the soil either. he states that page one, try reading the thread.....its right after he said the soil is PH'd to 6.5 from the bag... infact during the thread he never mentions testing soil... and as this was my first indoor grow as ive indicated....I havent tested soil yet, I have the capability to do so... but Didnt have any PH problems....I Just have never watered directly into a 5gal i over did it....and brought on fungus gnats....after that cleared up it was clear sailing. top dressed once in wk2 flwr. with an evenly distributed hand full of FFOF and once 2 weeks later with a as per box reading on the 3-3-3 jobe's ratio with a liter water....calmag/kelp were added every water......., my mix is ffhp 25%, 50%ffof, and ff strawberry fields...all amended with 25% perlite and Jobe's recommended throw it in dry to however many gallon pot you got directly into soil.......didnt even require anything to almost 50 days,,,.....So...yeep...doesnt mention taking slurry, infact he stresses never usually watering to run off.. AT ALL, shoot many surprised someone as seemingly OG as you would fail to read before you made an assumption... just like keep it simple stupid...kiss ., know what happens when u assume right?
But yeah anyways, OP... take whoevers advice, but theres about 10 different variations, I dont recall ANYONE taking a slurry or watering to run off, some LIGHT K / P needs, bout it....some minor burned tips with initiate planting....and plenty of calmag/kelp/myco/...from what i remember, like 3-4 ppl posted good results using that exact method, was successful for me,, so figured I'd offer

I'm not reading all of that.
i've read it twice... like I said.,. whether he did or not... on his own time, I dont know... but he said, no run offs, only ph 6.5 water... top dress/kelp/calmag...he used a variety of different top dresses/myco .,..recharge once.....including only you choose ignorance and guesses? Then insult my capacity to read and apply said reading? Because you're too lazy to read and/or use the search function? not like you have to read... with that ability........nice, smh... lol but anyways...yeah. didnt make any mention of testing soil if you have problems.. he actually didnt have to many problems on the 2/3 grows he had in there.. some ppl ran into some minor shit.. bout it. anyways, back to the OP, read it... make you own judgement.

i've read it twice... like I said.,. whether he did or not... on his own time, I dont know... but he said, no run offs, only ph 6.5 water... top dress/kelp/calmag...he used a variety of different top dresses/myco .,..recharge once.....including only you choose ignorance and guesses? Then insult my capacity to read and apply said reading? Because you're too lazy to read and/or use the search function? not like you have to read... with that ability........nice, smh... lol but anyways...yeah. didnt make any mention of testing soil if you have problems.. he actually didnt have to many problems on the 2/3 grows he had in there.. some ppl ran into some minor shit.. bout it. anyways, back to the OP, read it... make you own judgement.

I dont argue that he now doesn't test man that's not what I'm implying as mentioned I dont either but how'd he know you dont need to check if he never checked? It's all apart of the process of gaining experience

You act as tho one never needed to and will never need to check soil conditions that my friend is completely false tag him so he can come on to this post

He's not going to post now his old methods as they are obsolete.
I'll say this if you're new to growing organically fresh from liquid nutrients and you continue to ph water. What does that do?

What happens if one uses tap and the tap ph changes for a couple waterings? Not likely but many variables can come into play. It's always a good idea to own a soil pen, you will rarely need it if growing organically but when you do you'll be glad you have it, especially speaking for new growers. I cant count how many people I've seen with lock outs or unbalanced soil ph. That's one of the most common issues for new growers.
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I have one, its not like im saying THEY ARE USELESS, and you are stupid,, im new.. I know this.. well to indoor growing... I really wanted to peer into DWC eventually...But organic soil always ...sounded...idk...cleaner......But I do have soil testers.. and a PH pen (bought one the second I read his thread) as each post he always says PH water ...kinda drills it into youur head.., So I agree with you.. but I felt like...i read that post,,, my plants got better, greener, and i left with a better understanding.... and what I took away from his thread... was... really really helpful... the coco thing was just me jabbing at the coco users.. for zero be honest... but Idk I just enjoy his approach to it.. when I was trying to test slurry i felt like.. Idk over whelmed, and not understanding things fully.. and ofcourse... my FFOF had some bugs... I thought it was okay to water too much,... etc.. shit i never had to worry about outside unless we were in a major drought. Not trying to start any shit.. I just feel like this with the OP.,... yo heres budz, he made it pretty damn simple and it helped me... I didnt see anything about soil runoff testing...but it IS a long thread.... and budz is still active here, and im sure if OP was like yo i got some questions he'd oblidge.. soooo i thought i'd toss that his way before... his plants took a shit.

hope that clears that up... but as far as the water....the moment I started PH'ing my water. and water only.....The plants did a 180... so...idk maybe budz can explain it... but that thread most likely got me my first oz or two from an indoor grow.. instead of the 8 grams i was heading for ;-)
Hi folks!

1st time grower and so far its been going good. its a small grow, one plant with the following specifications: FFOF (soil) in 2 gallon fabric pot, pH purified water (6.5) and only Seaweed Extract when watering (every 4th day). My FFOF is amended with additional perlite and nothing else. No additional nutrients have been given to the plant.

Most everything has been on point and the plant is doing good but today, my first issue has shown up. I have attached some pictures documenting it. My basic internet search says its calcium/magnesium deficiency but since this is my 1st grow, i would greatly appreciate another set of eyes.

So what do you folks think? CalMag addition necessary or something more sinister?

Thanks for checking this thread :)
Ca deficiency. Why are you using purified water? And FFOF needs to have some extra nutrients added after a few weeks or so depending on how big the pots and plants are.
I have one, its not like im saying THEY ARE USELESS, and you are stupid,, im new.. I know this.. well to indoor growing... I really wanted to peer into DWC eventually...But organic soil always ...sounded...idk...cleaner......But I do have soil testers.. and a PH pen (bought one the second I read his thread) as each post he always says PH water ...kinda drills it into youur head.., So I agree with you.. but I felt like...i read that post,,, my plants got better, greener, and i left with a better understanding.... and what I took away from his thread... was... really really helpful... the coco thing was just me jabbing at the coco users.. for zero be honest... but Idk I just enjoy his approach to it.. when I was trying to test slurry i felt like.. Idk over whelmed, and not understanding things fully.. and ofcourse... my FFOF had some bugs... I thought it was okay to water too much,... etc.. shit i never had to worry about outside unless we were in a major drought. Not trying to start any shit.. I just feel like this with the OP.,... yo heres budz, he made it pretty damn simple and it helped me... I didnt see anything about soil runoff testing...but it IS a long thread.... and budz is still active here, and im sure if OP was like yo i got some questions he'd oblidge.. soooo i thought i'd toss that his way before... his plants took a shit.

hope that clears that up... but as far as the water....the moment I started PH'ing my water. and water only.....The plants did a 180... so...idk maybe budz can explain it... but that thread most likely got me my first oz or two from an indoor grow.. instead of the 8 grams i was heading for ;-)
You're the one who said growing organically you don't have to ever worry about checking soil for anything. watch your fucking mouth that's 2ce your dumb ass has called me stupid, you quoted me to begin this shit. I've been growing for going on 5 years. I have a 24 perpetual plant count. Unlike you I don't read grow guides not understanding how to actually grow, taking everything that well experienced grower says to heart like you don't have to tread through shit to grow good weed like the rest of us experienced growers

With that said my stupid ass is gonna ignore you. You're going back and forth off something you've read twice lol ( calling me stupid ) harvest something and come back

Btw dude wouldn't give me a straight answer if he'd ever checked soil condition in his life
Last edited: man. Need a hug or something? I'm not here to compare dicks, but if any growing counts, I've grown outside longer and way way way more plants than you have, Not that I think that means anything... but... It apparently does to you. I guess...yikes....and for clarity, no where in this thread did I say or suggest you NEVER have to test soil ph,...? I dont....Nor did I use the word stupid, the ONLY one to call anyone a name here.. is you calling me a dumb ass.......Like im unsure if you're just.... trolling or literally this unhinged....Do you have some self image problems or something...? So the statements you made about me calling you names.. or suggest to NEVER test ph of soil..... are just hog wash...Literally everyone here was trying to help, suggesting things and a generally good tone going, information sharing......Care to guess when that changed...? And what do you think im hanging off budz every word? Its... information... Im taking it in, key points that i was unclear about.... Thats how you learn, Not all of us let our ego get in the way of growing knowledge... you.. I do understand how to grow. I was just a First time LED/Indoor grower...I mean.. idk.. just pretty pompous of you not to mention... assumptions...of you....while also, lying and putting words in my mouth, while literally doing the thing you're upset on a weed forum over, ...calling me a dumb ass... Idk I just feel bad for anyone who takes any opportunity.. to put other people down whilst claiming it was the other person to put themselves down, then have the gall lift themselves up in the same breath....But I guess us 'new' indoor growers...just wouldn't understand... Like the rest of YOU experienced growers.. :roll:

Anyways, to the OP. before we were interrupted by the grand poo-bah of indoor soil growers with his vast knowledge, I think you could take away a lot from the thread, like a lot of people did...But be careful if you read TOOO hard.. you could just turn into a zombie and blindly follow a grow guide... cuz thats a thing..If you're THAT guy... right? smh...
and you are stupid,,
I mean Ive never tested soil once,

Literally what you said

If you'd grown that much you would be more educated in cannabis cultivation

And plz don't play victim. You quoted me, you called me stupid, you spoke off of what you read 2ce instead of work you've actually put into a grows. I merely responded and spoke truth. Yea if someone is trolling me calling me stupid speaking out of the side of their neck, eventually I will act stupid.

Imo to grow cannabis you need to understand cannabis, and the medium of choice. As a beginner that's getting readings understanding what's going on within your medium, and how your plant uses said medium. Without knowing that you're up shit creek. If you don't understand what your plants doing, why and what it needs makes for a struggling grow every time. 99% of beginners don't start organically they start on bottles

Dude you e been online for over 12 hours straight. Put the pipe down and get some sleep.