Is this a calcium issue?


Well-Known Member
Looks like to much calcium/magnesium maybe try flush it completely and only do half dosage of cal mag
I have to disagree. I don't think it's a deficiency...I think there is nothing wrong with those plants except overwatering. As someone mentioned the yellow spots look more like scars than deficiency, which tends to be more evenly distributed. Calcium spots are more brown speckles than yellow patches...

Flushing here would make overwatering worse....if they are actually overwatered of course. I could be wrong.

@OP do you ever see the leaves praying upwards? That's a sign there is nearly perfect moisture/oxygen content in the soil.


Well-Known Member
Water droplets on leaves at the top of the canopy can also cause burns where they act as little magnifying glasses, so that's a possibility too..
Just wait until its completely dry then flush... then repeat it again
After that just feed half dosage nutes put only a little
Remember feed it just enough so when u get their the next day at the same time its dry... but not too dry where it looks sad


Well-Known Member
I have to disagree. I don't think it's a deficiency...I think there is nothing wrong with those plants except overwatering. As someone mentioned the yellow spots look more like scars than deficiency, which tends to be more evenly distributed. Calcium spots are more brown speckles than yellow patches...

Flushing here would make overwatering worse....if they are actually overwatered of course. I could be wrong.

@OP do you ever see the leaves praying upwards? That's a sign there is nearly perfect moisture/oxygen content in the soil.
thanks for this. So, they did get a heavy water and feed 2 days ago so that explains that. I notice they do point upwards when the cycle is close to light out. My schedule is backwards as they sleep in the day. Could always be low temps too as it’s been cold in the day and I’m in a shed. Truth be told, it could be so many things !
I’ve grown a good 6 or 7 times and done well previously , annoying thing is that I do stick to the nutrient guidelines and always feel that even low strength that it’s a lot!


Well-Known Member
This community is so fast to help it’s great. I think I’ve over fed - seems to be the theme. I’ll just use water next as the last 2 feeds have been nutrients at low strength . Bio bizz day 2-4ml per L , I use 2ml so I do go low and follow the guide . Temps are low 20’s and RH is between 45 - 65 depends on day or night


Well-Known Member
So, last night , I flushed them with 8L of water, and then my added a water + light feed (superthrive, bloom and bio heaven)
will be interested to see if they bounce back. The soil should now have the majority of N flushed out and I’ll build on this. They look over watered currently but that’s to be expected .
One plant was struggling so put her outside , some animal had that over nigh! Lol