Is this a cannabis sprout


Well-Known Member
What makes you think it is?

Has someone down an alley or at the local pub sold you special seeds?


Well-Known Member
O geeze, you need to do a lot of reading...don't take this personal but these "newbies" are starting to get to me...why you ask? It's because I AM ONE TOO but I have read, and reread, take notes study my plants and others and trying to make something of it and myself...ppl that just drop a seed and hope for the best is absolutely ridiculous and makes me and so many others just :wall:


Well-Known Member
I say Basil. Or Marigolds. Probably not a cactus. But it could be a Christmas Tree for all anyone knows.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to grow autoflower white widow and suggestions about germing and planting them
How long should the taproot be before planting
-2 bowls (what i use)
-paper towel,
-saran wrap to cover bowl.
-(warmth source, not entirely necessary) all you need.
Take 1 bowl fill bottom w/ paper towel folded so its got some layers, then soak the paper towel. Lukewarm water. Not like a puddle in bottom but good and wet.
Put your seeds on top of the wet paper towel. Take some more paper towel put it on top of the seeds and other towel. Add a bit more water, you want it wet, but no puddle. Add more paper towel if you put too much water it'll help to wick it. Put saran wrap over top the first bowl, then poke like three or four 1/2" holes in it so some moisture can escape. Put the other bowl or a plate if you prefer on top, and keep them in a warm place. Plant when you see taproot. long tails are annoying. 100% germ method so far using this, usually pop within 24 hrs then sprout in another 24 hr. If not no worries. Keep em moist dont let dry. Hope this helps sorry was kinda a dick but most answers are already out there. Especially this one. Good growing dude.:peace: