is this a date or a friend thing??

I was tripping out too about going to the gym after eating and drinking. Im not trippin about being a rebounder becuase, i got dump last week and out of anger i rushed into a relationship with a girl that already liked me but didnt feel the same. I dont got the balls to dump her yet. So if ima rebounder thats cool becuase i still have my new gf. But if it hits off good ill just be with her. She is a gym junkie, probably stronger than i am.
I was tripping out too about going to the gym after eating and drinking. Im not trippin about being a rebounder becuase, i got dump last week and out of anger i rushed into a relationship with a girl that already liked me but didnt feel the same. I dont got the balls to dump her yet. So if ima rebounder thats cool becuase i still have my new gf. But if it hits off good ill just be with her. She is a gym junkie, probably stronger than i am.
Set up for failure.
Maybe she wanted to run a marathon this morning after the gym. Some girls just like a guy to go through allot before they give it up....
Maybe she wanted to run a marathon this morning after the gym. Some girls just like a guy to go through allot before they give it up....

Ya but most of the girls like that are the ones worth it. Don't get me wrong a girl with daddy issues can be fun for awhile but after awhile their true insides come out :D