is this a decent design? for my first grow


Well-Known Member
the pic should lable everything for ya, but don't forget to zoom in after you click on the pic so you can read the legend. thanks for the input.

otherwise here's a quickie:

Flower: (all 3000K)
2 cfl's 105w 5000 lumens each
2 cfl's 85w 4200 lumens each
1 hps 150w 16000 lumens each
1 hps 250w 27500 lumens each
inside 9 square feet
which is 6,877 lumens per square foot
mylar on 75% othe surounding walls

Vegitation: (all 6500K)
2 cfl's 105w 6200 lumens each
2 cfl's 105w 5000 lumens each
2 cfl's 85w 4200 lumens each
inside 4 square feet
which is 7,700 lumens per square foot
mylar on 75% othe surounding walls

i'm going to grow 2 plants with 6 cfl's in veg for one month and one week. then throw them under the 150w hps and 2 cfl's (one 85w and other 105w) for one month and one week, then into the 250w hps with 2 more cfls (85w & 105w) for one month and one week.

the reason why one month and one week for each stage is because i want to compensate incase i get some strains that take 12 weeks to veg. otherwise i can shorten this time. right now i only have bag seed and the ordered seeds haven't come yet. so if they come i will do a shorter time, like one month instead of one month and one week. as the seeds i ordered most are around 7-9 weeks flowering.

what you guys think?


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Well-Known Member
thank you,

sorry i spent too much time on it. i think at the point i started messuring lights and what not, plus making the room actuall proportional size helps me adjust and move things around without having to actually move it around. but yes i am anal about what i like to do. and so far i like growing pot, even though i only have a one week old triploid and two more sprouts that cam in today. oh they look so beautiful. but i have changed the design like 5 times. so it would of sucked if i had done the first one. i keep learning more and more and so i try to apply what i learn and readjust my grow room.

but thanks again, and do you thiink my setup can yield like an ounce a plant? just guessing, i know it depends on nutes and heat and strains and everything, but on average do you think i could get about 1 Oz off each plant like this. see that is my goal, as i smoke about 2 oz a month, and i will havest two plants a month. but if it doesn't yield that much i can adjust the grow from the way it is and add just a couple more things to make it to where i havest 3 plants a month (1 more). and i think at 3 plants a month i should be okay.

but i want to see if i can do it with 2 first. oh, bump
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Well-Known Member
come on now people this has some merit, plz respond with comments / suggestions as i am building now and can quickly adapt my plans. plz



Well-Known Member
damn that pic made my mind spin.

if they are looking good, then they are getting enough,


Well-Known Member
three months in veg? with two plants a month? what will my yield be? see i can't make that many more buckets (4 more) and get more lights for them. i simply can't afford that right now, i actually have started some building today and plan to finish on saturday as i get paid friday so i get get the rest of my supplies.

and if my yield per plant would be around 2 ounces then i could just do one bucket a month, and cycle through the 5 months with 1 new one and moving the old ones over to the next months nutes and lighting. that would let me do three months in veg.

which for some reason i doubt i can get over 2 ounces off it with my lights and everything. even if i did do 3 months veg. but do you think i can get 2 ounces a month off 2 plants each month when only having a month or a month and a half veg?
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Well-Known Member
dude, your set up looks almost perfect... the plants will tell you though, not us... set it up, then if things need changing, change them... less is more... the best growers I know use that motto...


Well-Known Member
uh wow, theres allot on that plan... I just designed as I went along and upgraded as I didn't have allot of money either. I try to keep things simple and cheap. Check my grow out in indoor growing.

I would say you should definitely get an oz a plant... especially doing hydro and its going to be quicker to.

A few questions. With the price of all that stuff why didn't you just get one 1000w hps? and what nutes are you gonna use?