is this a decnet tea mix for veg?

I got the pics if anyone is willing ...and btw...could u put plastic bags somehow to cover up the soil from the rain..or do u think that would fuck with everything that's working in the soil
I downloaded teaming with microbes. .but I want to get the books...what do u think the best thing would be to do....would boosting microbes help or maybe a looks like I have tiny rust spots on some leaves and mostly the lower leaves are brittle and have a black to red tint....curling downward too
too many variable to say man, but if I were to guess, i'd say you are having an issue with calcium, and too much potassium locked it out.
Happened to me one yr when I thought blackstrap molasses was a super awesome way to add micronutrients, which it is, but even at one oz per gallon, once a wekk proved to lock out calcium completely.
and I never could fix it, only thing that worked was tossing the soil back into my compost pile and letting it breakdown/compost along with everything.
curling downward is know as the "claw" and typically is because of too moist a soil, wrong ph, or simply overfeeding, in your case it's probably the latter.
it's why I don't use teas really, i like the soil amended with dry-slow-release meals and allowing the humus/microbes/cec do the rest.
you can use my email.
i'll pm it to you.
I've seen worse man! Those should recover with some tlc. Plain water would probably be your best bet. Maybe wait a couple weeks before you do another tea. And yea, just do a simple compost or castings with molasses brew.

How cold is it getting at night? If it's getting below 65f I would bring em inside.
Ohhhh it's def colder than 65 at night beo....some nights 45...any lower than that I have been bringing them in...but I'll be bringing them in till this is straightened out...I wake up everyday at 6 to watch the sun come up and see which trees I can cut to get some am light but it's been raining and cloudy so I can't do that...but bringing the in might help dry em out too...that's prob more important than a lot of things. ...I'll be taking them in...I still would have em in but they got to big for my spot
Ohhhh it's def colder than 65 at night beo....some nights 45...any lower than that I have been bringing them in...but I'll be bringing them in till this is straightened out...I wake up everyday at 6 to watch the sun come up and see which trees I can cut to get some am light but it's been raining and cloudy so I can't do that...but bringing the in might help dry em out too...that's prob more important than a lot of things. ...I'll be taking them in...I still would have em in but they got to big for my spot
I won't claim to be an expert on temps for outdoor growing, I'm primarily an indoor grower. I can just tell you I used to not monitor my heat during my dark period, letting drop as low as 55 sometimes. Nothing ever died or seemed overly negative. But once I started using a heater and keeping my temps just above 65 at night, I noticed more rapid growth in my plants.
Oh I agree ..if I had 65 plus nights these bitches would be going crazy....I'll keep em in the cab of a bug aas truck's bound to be warmer in there ...and dryer!
MAn it's pissin down the rain ...again..and prob will all say after tonight it'll be flushed 3 gal of water per gal of dirt.....I have a makeshift cover to protect the rain but I'm scared it'll collapse under the weight it it gets pockets of rain....I was gonna put them in and still may. ..I just have company atm ...fucking ppl man
Man I really think it's a phosphorus def myself...I think the cold temp swings and wet soil is what's doing def looks to be present as well..but I think from what all iv read and seen it's a p def...
A couple of the pics I tried to send to grease might not sent but they look exactly like some of the pics iv seen of p def
A lot of times...not all the time mind you.. But a lot of the time, deficiencies will clear up as your soil dries out. Let em dry out and do a plain water feeding before you do anything rash. However, after they dry out from the plain water feeding if they still look deficient. My go to would be indo or Jamaican Bat Guano and molasses (both at half a tbsp per gallon), nvm with tea bubbles just vigorously stir it up right before application for each pot. When I've had plants with p and calcium deficiency that's always had them looking like gold after.
I have some Peruvian sea bird guano ....u think that would work....12 12 2 ...that and happy frog fruit and flower
Like u said I'ma wait till we get good and dry once or twice ...I think I have too much p locking out c and other micros ...fuck idk at this point....I have this one plant that looks pretty awesome still but the leaves are getting a lil light in it...I want to give it a shot of N but I'm gonna wait till I have a few dry cycles's bran new soil loaded with good stuff so
Man I really think it's a phosphorus def myself...I think the cold temp swings and wet soil is what's doing def looks to be present as well..but I think from what all iv read and seen it's a p def...
i'd bet both my cock and balls it aint a phosphurus def my friend.
Just tryin to help, and I don't think it's the temps either, I have plants outside right now, and they are fine, and it's getting to 43 at night here.
Ok..I'll trust your judgement's better than mine anyways when it comes to this....I added some egg shell powder and worm castings as a top dress ...I k ow it takes a long time to break down the egg shells but i thought it couldnt there next year to u think its a nute lock out correct....I meen u kinda got me worried saying u couldn't do anything when it happened to you...but there has to be something I can do to help. should be plenty flushed from rain....I don't think cal mag is the answer either is it...or some sort of organic cal
Ok..I'll trust your judgement's better than mine anyways when it comes to this....I added some egg shell powder and worm castings as a top dress ...I k ow it takes a long time to break down the egg shells but i thought it couldnt there next year to u think its a nute lock out correct....I meen u kinda got me worried saying u couldn't do anything when it happened to you...but there has to be something I can do to help. should be plenty flushed from rain....I don't think cal mag is the answer either is it...or some sort of organic cal

Perhaps your soil is low in sulfur? maybe even carbon?

What ever it is listen to GreaseMonkeymann and skip on the teas.. I'd just top dress with neem, kelp, and a good compost. I've been using the same soil for years, when I top dress with neem/kelp/vc I never see one problem in my plants. When I don't i see problems, though they do subside.

..Neem builds a very strong bacterial foundation and Kelp builds a strong fungal foundation. These two accumulators are also loaded with every nutrient and mineral your plant could need. Along with a slew of secondary benefits such as phytogens, secondary metabolites, fatty alkohols, etc..

They keep not only your plant strong but your soil as well.