Is this a deficiency or burn?


Active Member
Is this a a deficiency or burn? I'm 4 weeks into flower and have probably another 4 to go. Soil grow, 600w HPS, Foxfarm Ocean Forest Mix, Foxfarm Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom at recommended dosages on bottle. I'm giving them the light feedings with every water and they need water every day or they droop like crazy. Am I going to make it through the next four weeks?

Thanks in advance.


New Member
how far into flowering are you
He did say 4 weeks.

Anyways, you seem to have nute burn. Soil grow doesnt need ferts every watering. Cut off as many of those bad leafs as possible and give the plants straight water for the next week. Watch to see if the problem goes away. It should, then start feeding every 3rd watering.


Well-Known Member
It looks like advanced stage of nutrient burn, flush the soil out with a Flora Kleen or Clearex and water solution for a few days. Get a ppm meter and don't go above 1800 ppm, remove any dead or yellow leaves, these are often attacked by mildew and molds.


Well-Known Member
Try flushing them. I would leave the leaves on, dont cut/pick/pull them. They will survive. Good luck.


Active Member
As the other guys said its nute burn. Use ghost's advice to fix it. You also might want to consider not using the recommended doses on the sides of whatever nute your using and look up other successful grows and the amount of nutes they used.



Active Member
He did say 4 weeks.

Anyways, you seem to have nute burn. Soil grow doesnt need ferts every watering. Cut off as many of those bad leafs as possible and give the plants straight water for the next week. Watch to see if the problem goes away. It should, then start feeding every 3rd watering.
Thanks ghost. I've started giving them just plain water today and will continue to do so for the rest of the week. Will I notice the damaged leaves getting any better or are they pretty much dead and I just shouldn't expect any further damage?

I also forgot to mention, I tested ph and nutrients with a soil kit. Ph was 7.0, Nitrogen was low, Phosphorous was high, and Potassium was high. Yesterday before I read this I gave them some more nitrogen, thinking that was the problem. :o


Well-Known Member
Yep thats burn, make sure you flush good a couple of times and bring your nutes to 1/4 what u use now. Buds will still be good, maybe lack a bit of development but still looks really good bro!!