is this a defiency or is this plant nearing the end of flowering?


Active Member
ok so this plant is just at or a couple days away from 8 weeks flowering and i wanted to know if its dying because its at the end of its life or if there is a problem. i have another plant that flowered the same time and same strain with buds twice as big and has green leaves still so whats up with this one?IMAG0173.jpgIMAG0172.jpgIMAG0171.jpg



Active Member
bottom pics are the other plant thats the same strain with same flowering time ect...ignore the ones in the backround cause they are a different strain and seem to be growing good


Active Member
im not a know it all to start this out lol but in my experience flowering plants do become nitrogen deficient. Almost every plant in my garden started turning yellow as soon as it started flowering so i wouldnt be to worried about it . and as for the nuggets do look like they are almost ready to be pulled. just me bein high ass me lol hope all goes well


Active Member
Same question as Purple, what happened to the fan leaves?

Drawing from my vast experience (in the middle of first grow), that's a way out of control cry for nitrogen. Stoney's right about some yellowing being normal, but it should be a gradual process starting with the lowest fan leaves, working its way slowly up the plant as flowering progresses. But that should be limited mainly to fan leaves, and it looks like in your case just about every bit of nitrogen has been sucked out of every one of your leaves. If it were me and it still had a ways to go, I'd give it nitrogen and hope for the best. But if it's almost ready, I wouldn't wait to pull the trigger because if it's as sick as it looks, it's not going to get any better, and it's going to be susceptible to rot or anything else that comes along.

Good luck and keep us posted.


Active Member
yea like theres about 50-70% red hairs and 10-15% amber trichs and iv been giving the same nutes as the other one....its like it just gave up and decided to be done before the other one...the buds are smaller but much more ripe(it had pretty green leaves about a week ago)


Active Member
yea like theres about 50-70% red hairs and 10-15% amber trichs and iv been giving the same nutes as the other one....its like it just gave up and decided to be done before the other one...the buds are smaller but much more ripe(it had pretty green leaves about a week ago)
Okay, if you've been treating them EXACTLY the same, the problem might not be nutrients, it could be something with the roots or who knows what else. Again, what I would do (not saying you should) is watch it for 3-4 days. If there's absolutely no change in (buds filling out, looking healthier), I'd chop it. Besides, it looks like it might be a sativa-leaning plant, and I'd have chopped it before it got to 15% amber anyway.


Well-Known Member
don't chop it until you can actually see if you've milky trichomes that's how you know if ready don't just chop it take it from experience you want it to be potent.


Active Member
Hehe, I grew a Diesel Ryder for seeds earlier in the summer, and it did just what you're talking about. It just gave up. I sat there watching it for two weeks, waiting for something, anything to happen. But it just sat there. Well it was finished, the seeds were fine, it was just half the size of the others and I swear not one thing changed on that plant for two weeks.


Active Member
yea i used a 100x microscope to look at the trichs and they are almost all milky and some amber with very few clear and its now 8 weeks flowering...ill probably just flush it this week and then chop


Active Member
yep cut it down a couple days ago and just finished drying leaving me a little over 2 oz's dry of some pretty good looking and smelling weed (havent smoked any yet) and i got another girl coming down in about 2 weeks which looks to have at least double the amount of the bud, love this time of the year:)