Is this a female?


Well-Known Member
This is PPP at 7 weeks, lol

Shes lost alot of leaves in the past few weeks which has left her looking like this.

Is this much of a problem? The leaves just fall off.

It doesn't seem to be affecting bud production.How many more weeks would you give her ?



Well-Known Member
no, it's normal, your fine...........

I'd say your almost done...... but not sure, check your trichs, go off them.


Well-Known Member
it's has still got alot of white hairs still.Should i wait till those are red?


Well-Known Member
hairs have very little to do with it.... the trichs are where it's at. some strains' hairs turn before the bud is ready, some a little after. each strain is different, the only way to really tell when your bud is ready is by the trich color.


Well-Known Member
lol! Yeah right~! The trichs are still only cloudy and none ar amber so far


Well-Known Member
then you still got some time...... I'd check them every day or two, see where they are. I usually start flushing when I see that there aren't very many clear trichs anymore. I like a soaring high rather than the couchlock though.


Well-Known Member
I help you ;-)

quote=LemonHerb;812132]No way, that's totally male. Send it my way and I'll take care of destroying it for you.[/quote]