Is this a fullproof way of transporting herb?


Well-Known Member
Well, the cop wouldn't have a reason to search your car unless you gave him one or consented to a search, in which case okay the dog may just smell it.

If it's just a gift, and he isn't inside your car legally then I see no reason for this failing. A cop isn't going to ask what's going on or intrude and have the dog smell a gift between a meeting of friends.

If a cop walks up to you and has no real reason to be there, you don't have to respond and you can actually within your legal rights, walk away.

Any time a cop walks up to me at night while im walking to see what I'm up to I don't give him any slack, fuck him.

"What seems to be the problem officer?"

etc etc etc, asks what I'm doing outside this late at night

"...Is there anything I can help you with officer?"

reiterates his question in a different way

"Sir if there isn't anything I can help you with, I would like to ask that I leave." Afterwards I do just that.

Another thing I do is when I get pulled over, I pull to the side, turn my car off, get out and lock the doors.
Cops get annoyed and cause you a bit of shit, even ask why you locked it. immediate response is sorry I always do that when I get out of my car.

Cop can't do jack shit about what's inside then without a warrant. - You see, cops although they present themselves the way they do, have little to no right doing a lot of what they do.
You legally don't have to answer any questions in that or similar scenarios - cops just look for answers to lead them into suspicion enough to
do shit. If you don't give them reason, there isn't any. Because there wasn't to begin with.

Trick to looking like you're doing nothing wrong; Act like you're doing nothing wrong.