Unfortunately in my country they dont import the Sunshine mix #4 which would be ideal for me. Ive read that advanced nutrients recommends to use this soilless mix with their line up and one reason is because it contains no fertilizers.
The only good soilless mix i could find here is this:
Its says it had "starter fertilizer" in it. Never heard anyone use this mix but it looks decent to me.. just worried about the fertilizer in it.
Do you think ill have problems using the Whole 2part feeding program from AN with this mix? im plan on seeeding in this mix too. root burn maybe?
The only good soilless mix i could find here is this:
Its says it had "starter fertilizer" in it. Never heard anyone use this mix but it looks decent to me.. just worried about the fertilizer in it.
Do you think ill have problems using the Whole 2part feeding program from AN with this mix? im plan on seeeding in this mix too. root burn maybe?