is this a good idea?


Well-Known Member
I just checked in to see how much more abuse you took,lol,Dura sums it up nicely again ,no comment is the only words they cunts should hear.Your the type who cracks under a bit of pressure,is this a good idea? What an asshole you are,think you have to do some time to realise how bad it is to even think of grassing.You are helping the pigs do their job so after the triads or yardies or whoever it is you want to stick in who will be next you twat?Those guys are taking the heat off you I shouldnt even really explain this to you cos your devoid of braincells and a grass in the making.I dont sell shit rather keep my green for me but if I decided to try and do a bit I would make bigger deals,honestly you have just fucked your rep on this site.I would laugh if you started a busted thread see how it feels when those fucks come in and wreck yer house,all cos of a dirty stinkin grass.


Well-Known Member
lets see a pic of your weight
i am, have fun, say what you like i will no longer come back to this thread.
Funny how you suggest him showing a picture of his gear and he fucks off never to return.

I'm calling shenanigans, I don't even think he is a dealer and he is just some random 13 year old boy trying to look hard on the net for his bum chums in school.


Well-Known Member
Funny how you suggest him showing a picture of his gear and he fucks off never to return.

I'm calling shenanigans, I don't even think he is a dealer and he is just some random 13 year old boy trying to look hard on the net for his bum chums in school.
lol I thought that since the beginning of the thread.I think he just listens to much rap and watched 1 to many gangster movies.


Well-Known Member
Yeah,sounds like it cos no person growing thinks bout grassing,they all know how bad it is to go through that shit,some arse looking for a reaction.I wouldnt want this cunt in my grow journal tho fuck that,I dont even like posting pics of my babies,too para.Done it once,the first and last time.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
lol, of course he's some whiney kid. he's in college... and in the UK if you're in college you're generally 18 or under and dumb :) hence the reason they so willingly take these stupidly importaant and useful and powerful BTECS! hahahaaaa

and to the whole everyone has thought about it for 2 seconds, as with other users, no i havn't. i've delt bits and bobs in the past, and i've never thought about grassing..

and this wasn't a 2 second thought, this was some tit spending 5 minutes making a damned thread about it.

what a loser

and yeah, you're a NONSE! and i'm 21, os call me a pensioner eh :lol:


Well-Known Member
I was watching lockup world tour last night and they were referring to each other as nonse's smiling and laughing, this guy seemed not to take it so well, what does it mean? lol,

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
neather have i but have thort about it why do you care so mutch any way its like your on a hype over the net cus some one said they might grass what do you care.

engage your fucking lame life before you jude other ppl for THINKIN about doin something.
youd fucking care if this joker was your competition, wouldnt you.

and thanks but my life is just fine n dandy and this is the internet mate ill judge what the fuck i like. and you can do the same.


Well-Known Member
you know, now that im sobered up, i honestly cant believe i would write something this stupid. at least i didnt talk about my plan to take over the world by being a sperm donor. if you lot want i can write some more of crazy ideas like these that i remember. ive got one about making a flying car by stealing a plane and using a really strong adhesive to get the car to fly, its not well thought out. or theres another one about throwing bags of weed around london in the hope that i would bring world peace. seriously there are better ones than this but if you lot want to obsess over one of the most stupid plans iv ever thought up thats cool. just say when you want some more coz theres loads more.


Well-Known Member
yeah theres lots of stupid fucked up posts but not many if any? where people are asking if GRASSING is a good idea!


Well-Known Member
you know, now that im sobered up, i honestly cant believe i would write something this stupid. at least i didnt talk about my plan to take over the world by being a sperm donor. if you lot want i can write some more of crazy ideas like these that i remember. ive got one about making a flying car by stealing a plane and using a really strong adhesive to get the car to fly, its not well thought out. or theres another one about throwing bags of weed around london in the hope that i would bring world peace. seriously there are better ones than this but if you lot want to obsess over one of the most stupid plans iv ever thought up thats cool. just say when you want some more coz theres loads more.
Like the shite you posted about your "life story" bahahahahaha. You're a proper mug.


Active Member
after reading this entire thread,
i am in awe your front door hasnt been kicked off and your still breathing my fukin air.
unspoken rule in life, dont grass.
some one on here must know this kid,
go round and give him a slap and utube that please.