Is this a good outside grow area?


Well-Known Member
alright i know where this spot is in the middle of the woods thats has a rather small sloped hill and at the bottom their is a small 1' deep stream...would this be a good place to grow?

if so should i plant in the middle of the hill or on top :?:

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
alright i know where this spot is in the middle of the woods thats has a rather small sloped hill and at the bottom their is a small 1' deep stream...would this be a good place to grow?

if so should i plant in the middle of the hill or on top :?:
where ever the sun comes in best....


Well-Known Member
it all depends on wich way the hill slopes. get a compass or google earth'it and see if it is a south sloping hill. ie... when your standing on the hill looking down towards the bottom where the stream is, are you N,S,E or West. if you are facing south it sounds like it could be a good spot. if your facing north it's probably no good at all! if your east or west it should do but, you might only receive a half-day of direct sun exposure. this is for the northern hemisphere where im located, i think it's the other way around for the southern hemisphere idk for sure though.

considering you ARE on a southern hill, where (?) to plant them depends on a number of things. the FIRST being, NOT on the side of the stream bank or in flat/level ground next to the stream before the hill starts to rise. people often like to hike/canoe/etc.. down streams and, are more likely to find them in this area. also IF the stream floods and your plants are on level/flat land next to the stream, your plants could drown! also fog and moisture will possibly linger at the bottom of the hill near the stream and potentially rot your buds near harvest! all of that of course depends on your knowledge of this area!

the SECOND least desireable place is on top of the hill because, you/plants will be much more easily detected by aviation/choppers. on top of that your plot will dry out faster wich, will make you hike up and down the whole hill with jugs of water for 6 months!

so i would go with somewhere towards the middle give or take! try to find some thick vegetation that people wouldnt ever want to go in, then cut out small patches here and there and put a plant or two. look into inclinometer/clinometers and a degree's of sun elevation for your area. if the whole hillside is heavily wooded with tall trees, even if south facing, your probably out of luck though.

im wasted, happy new year! and good luck!


Well-Known Member
the middle,where most other plants are growing so its camoflagued
It would also be a good idea to see about local hunting activity
and also fishing... you don't cross sights with a rifle while going to water,and have it like 50 or 60 yards from the water in case of people or animals wandering around the stream... they tend to go drink there and your weed will fall prey to deer:weed:


Well-Known Member
you know what it actually sounds like a nice spot b.c i live on alot of land i have somethign like 24 acres and i grew a plan look at my pic by my name thats the one i did and shit got to be about 6 ft tall and she was sexy and i grew her on the east when they sun came up it hit the plant first thing early in the morning and then it gets less light and it makes it flower quicker is what i found out to believe b.c i had one of the west side..took another like 4 weeks to flower..b.c i planted them along a tree line going downhill and it turned out good just make sure theres a good source of light tho


Well-Known Member
you know what it actually sounds like a nice spot b.c i live on alot of land i have somethign like 24 acres and i grew a plan look at my pic by my name thats the one i did and shit got to be about 6 ft tall and she was sexy and i grew her on the east when they sun came up it hit the plant first thing early in the morning and then it gets less light and it makes it flower quicker is what i found out to believe b.c i had one of the west side..took another like 4 weeks to flower..b.c i planted them along a tree line going downhill and it turned out good just make sure theres a good source of light tho
Yea less light = shoter flower period but it also = less bud...8 hours a day minimum and if you want your maximum harvest thne give it like 12 hours of light 7am to 8pm and i you will have enough bud all year...sun is the best thing for your plant so use it as much as you can:weed:


Well-Known Member
it is but based off where u the "midwest" we dont have long summers and neither hot but alot of humidity w.e u wanna put ur plant is the best spot it will grow...just be a believer!


Well-Known Member
it is but based off where u the "midwest" we dont have long summers and neither hot but alot of humidity w.e u wanna put ur plant is the best spot it will grow...just be a believer!
The most light from morning till evening all year round is the best spot.You have to know where the sun will be in fall and in spring and in summer and you need to pick a spot that gets good levels of sunlight and atleast 8 hours minimum,then you will get good results:-P


Well-Known Member
How far away from a water source is too far for the plant to be getting the water it needs?

I plan on starting a guerilla grow this summer, and I want to go to a stream or small pond and plant near that, but as you guys mentioned above, that is where msot other individuals will likely accumulate. So how far away from the water source can you go before it isn't useful?

My goal is idealy to find the primo spot, then not water it, just let the plant be.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
When you find the sunny spot, look at the ground carefully, and see where the rainwater will flow. Try to put plant(s) in the best water catching spot. A tree limb on the downhill side will help hold the needed compost. Less watering.