Is this a good size for Auto-Flower?


Active Member
This is my first time working with auto-flowering plants from short stuff. I got 10 Mi-5 and 2 fem snowryder's. I am just wondering if this is a good size for it being sprouted from may 29th. Only another month to go. But it still seems really small. I have 4 more sprouts that I had got started. Now I want more seeds. So do I just take the male that I have and put him beside one of the fem's. Because now I don't want 4 fems full of seeds just 1. Please help im just a newb. I also got it all growing under 8 6500k 23watt cfls. With a fan on it. Should this be enough for the 5 of them? I am also using superthrive and ultra bloom for MG. Seems to be working good.

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Silent Running

Active Member
How close are your lights to the top of the plant? What light schedule are you using? I have low ryder af's that are about the same age and close to triple that size. I'm not familiar with the strain you have (newbie here too). 8 cfls seem like too little for the amount you are talking about. I have 10 of the same type along with another 8 in the 2700k spectrum and only growing 4 under them....and I know my yields won't be as good if I went with hps...but I'm doing it for myself only. I'm using a 20/4 light cycle. I started with a 24/0 and they kind of stayed small...but when I moved it to 20/4 they started taking off again.

Also, I see your two seedlings up in the same container. Next time, try plastic cups so you can keep them separate....or plant in their final pot from the start since they are af's. Plastic cups are cheap and save the headache (stress) if their roots grow together and you have to move them apart. I use clear plastic cups and set those inside of red plastic cups. This lets me keep tabs on the roots so I know when to transplant without exposing them to light. Nifty trick I read about on RIU.

Picture is one of my LRs at 19 days.



Well-Known Member
Your plant should be much larger than that. I have an autoflowering plant going at the moment and it's about a month old and is a little over a foot long. It would be larger, but the co-op I bought it at had it under flouros and stretched the hell out of it.

Anyway, lower your lights to with in about 2-3 inches from the plant (maybe 4-5 if you don't have good cooling), lose the tin foil and replace it with some mylar or some flat white paint or something. The tin foil will cause heat spots and can harm your plants.

Get the sprouts of the pot and into their own containers. If you grow them in the same pot you are just asking for them to get their roots tangled.

If you want to online get seeds from 1 plant then put the male and female in the same room with it's own light source and everything once the female is budding. Make sure to keep the room sealed and handle the plants with gloves. Make sure you take the gloves off before working with your other plants. You don't want to accidentally get pollen on any of the other fems!

I also suggest more lights, maybe get some reflectors as well. The more lights the better, as CFLs don't put off that much light. IIRC 23 watt CFLs put out like 1200 lumens which is only 9600 lumens total for what you are running which is not enough unless you really know what you are doing.

Don't be using MG nutrients, super thrive can be a good supplement. Look into going to a hydro store and getting some FF or technaflora nutes.


Active Member
Alright so I went out to home depot and doubled up my setup. Got another intake fan and exhaust. Plus 6 more cfls. The exact same as last ones. So I should be up to almost 20,000 lumens. I will go to the hydro store tomorow and get some mylar and Fox Farm nutes for my new ones just sprouting up. So that they will have a chance to get 3x as big as this 1 fem that I got.


Well-Known Member
I realise its a different strain, but one of my auto ak-47's is 22 inches tall after 33 days. So id say yes, that is pretty short. Should still flower and finish ok, you'l probably just only get 10g or so off it. :peace:


Well-Known Member
The additional lighting will help and is sure to increase your yield and plant size, but "enough" really depends on your definition. The results won't be the same as an equivalent wattage HID unless you are like a super experienced grower and even then...

But don't worry about that just yet. For now keep on doing what you are doing and just try to get the basics down first, then focus on doing what you can to increase your GPW (grams per watt)


Active Member
Well I just found out that the one plant thats full grown. Has turned out to be male. I'm pretty sure that I see pollen sacks.