Is this a good way to dry san pedro?


Active Member
Some dude is Dooing an extraction. This guy will be doing several extractions.
Some of which involve dried cactis instead of tea.
This guy was going to peal skin, cut into a bunch of chunks, mash chunks, and dry in a low humid room with a fan. 10% humidity. for however long it needs [He's thinkin a couple weeks?]

Yeah..That guy.
Sounds like a dr sues book
+rep to any answers!
And i still cant rep you ANC. I need to talk to a mod or something about that crap -.-
hey bro, started looking into the San Pedro as you suggested. Just a noob question. Does drying the cacti out do anything to the potency of the mesc. ? Will the mesc. store longer in a dried state?

hey bro, started looking into the San Pedro as you suggested. Just a noob question. Does drying the cacti out do anything to the potency of the mesc. ? Will the mesc. store longer in a dried state?

No it wont do anything with the potency. THIS GUY is drying san pedro as there are many tutorials as for an extraction based on dried cuttings.

If you're just starting off, id recomend using around 20" if your 150 pounds+, and keep it fresh, and make a tea from this excelent method by IRISHLION:

You can't go wrong with that man. if you need anymore help with the tea at least, feel free ta pm

And drying it and sealing the cactis in a air tight container will make it keep for a LONG time. years. google it haha
thanks again bro, will check that link out. I'm a power lifter and weighed 215lbs but cutting and down to 200lbs. Would I need more in your opinion than 20" for an intense trip, 10-12 hours or more?

On ebay didn't see much, one place was going by weight and figured 5lbs would be approx. couple 100 grams of cacti, maybe around 500-600 mgs of mesc., decent trip.

Shit, sorry for jacking this thread bro, but thanks again!

thanks again bro, will check that link out. I'm a power lifter and weighed 215lbs but cutting and down to 200lbs. Would I need more in your opinion than 20" for an intense trip, 10-12 hours or more?

On ebay didn't see much, one place was going by weight and figured 5lbs would be approx. couple 100 grams of cacti, maybe around 500-600 mgs of mesc., decent trip.

Shit, sorry for jacking this thread bro, but thanks again!


dnt worry about the thread. people here get tired of my constant sanpedro threds im sure haha

I get my san pedro for free. I'll ether ask someone with a bunch of san pedro in their front yard if i can have a clipping and usually people are just happy that I actually ask instead of stealing it like some of the punks around here. but they should be growing everywhere man lol im in cen cal an i see em everywhere.

Heres the thing about potency, after 20" you have a LOT of cactis matter. so, you'll need to ether do 2 different teas or both in different pots at the same time. im 125 pounds and i needed about 18 inches for a really nice introspective trip, with intense visuals and lovely euphoria. I boil for 12 hours total, starting at 6 in the morning.

So for you i would think 2 feet will do man, but in the long run the more potent cactis is Acuma, san pedros cuzon.
VERY good price. The best ive seen. apparently fast shipping [i got this link from an individual who bought one]
that one you'll do wonderful with about 15 inches, and then youll have a few inches left to plant!! woot!
Hope i'm not confusing!
thanks bro, repped ya, fawk, I'm in a situation, no kitchen or cooking shit available. I get by with a friend that owns a restaurant that I trade work for food. The most convenient way for me to do this would be to eat it raw, just peel and eat, but that seems like a dead end.

I live on the central coast cali, prob. be able to find this in Watsonville and other places like that. My bro up in Nor. Cal. can get a ton of this when he wants. He's the one that makes the tea.

Keep spreading the good word my good man!

Well take it easy, theres pleanty of extraction methods that don't involve boiling, just dried cactis. I hope you figure something out! later.
It is stupid to dry cactus just to rehydrate it again.
If anything its more of a mission. Freezing and thawing will rupture cells and give max yields.
Knowing how to work with dry material is usefull though for sampling cactus from far away /mailorder.

PS I have a friend that just eats it raw, no biggie.
Well take it easy, theres pleanty of extraction methods that don't involve boiling, just dried cactis. I hope you figure something out! later.

thanks bro, I found this and seems like the best way not eating it raw.

6) freezing: The sections are placed in a freezer for several hours until thoroughly frozen.
7) grinding: The frozen sections are chopped up and ground, and the pulp filtered to collect the liquid. The pulp is ground more and filtered, adding only a little water on the second and third grindings.
8) drinking: The collected liquids are drunk as quickly as possible without gaging or regurgitating.
9) eating: The remaining solids are consumed.

also, for the link on ebay, it looks good!

It is stupid to dry cactus just to rehydrate it again.
If anything its more of a mission. Freezing and thawing will rupture cells and give max yields.
Knowing how to work with dry material is usefull though for sampling cactus from far away /mailorder.

PS I have a friend that just eats it raw, no biggie.


eating raw would be the most convenient for me, I read you can just dip the cacti in lemon juice, salt it and sprinkle cilantro on it and munch away.
remember to pull off the dry outer skin.
