dominant female plants have female chromosone. the male flowers it produces have no male chromosone, thus when they have plant sex you have a female chromosone and a female male thus it is a feminized seed and the probability of it being a female is like 98%..theres tons of literature on it online..
as far as comparing them to people there 2 different no a hermaphrodite human cannot produce offspring with same sex...a male human will always be a male no matter how many hormones they drink or surgery they go through they will still lack ovaries...same with a female hermaphrodite, the will never have true testicles and the ability to produce semen..
im not sure what myth your talking about....its not a myth if it was then explain all the hermaphrodite marijuanna plants people have grown...
colidal silver is just a way to stress a plant into producing male flowers, it dosent create them just pushes the plant too. yiou should do some reading to understand it a bit better because you seem to not have a firm grasp on the offense.