That is what I was talking about, and thank you so much. I tried to get a good picture but my camera didn't want to focus on the right spot haha. There is a hair coming out now that I look a little betterYes thats what hers refering to lol. No worries bro, its just a swolen calyx, althought it looks likea seed pod, it's just a bud forming. Althought I def. understand how it can be perceived as the start of a seed as it does look like a ball. Rest assured I don't believe it is. A give away (as I can barley make it out due to the blurriness) but see that little red pistil (hair) coming out of the tip, thats pretty much showing its a female flower. It couldn however end up being a seed so keep an eye on it, however I don't believe it is, and unless you've had a very unstable environment, their should be no reason it's turning hermie
all calyx's have little green embryo seeds if u open them up the pistils shoot out of them, If the pistil picks up pollen they will impregnate the embryo and make a seed.Looks like a swollen calyx... ive had that happen to a plant or two, if u break those open theres super tiny seeds, i dunno how they form though. I think just a survival mechanism for the plant. Maybe an expert can weigh in that knows more
So I was wondering if this has a sign of a hermi. It looks like all my plants have them.