Is this a hermie? If so, what do I do with it?

The bud wont improve because all the plants energy is going into producing seeds. wakeup!
If he listens to you he`ll end up with a bag of seeds and some lowgrade bud.
I`m not gonna read your rubbish, Ignored
You’re so annoying honestly, you can’t harvest a decent plant to save your life so you take it out on others. My plant was accidentally pollenated by me and my buds still came out fire despite having seeds here and there.
Don’t listen to Bernie. You’ll never grow in your craft if you cut and run every time a problem arises. Weed with seeds is still very smokeable. It’s all I got 25+ years ago. Find the source of your pollen, nanners. A Male plant somewhere. A hermie. Prob nanners hiding in your bud. Gain the knowledge and figure out what happened. Don’t cut now. Nothing plus nothing is nothing. Get the seeds back, learn something, and have some smoke.
Don’t listen to Bernie. You’ll never grow in your craft if you cut and run every time a problem arises. Weed with seeds is still very smokeable. It’s all I got 25+ years ago. Find the source of your pollen, nanners. A Male plant somewhere. A hermie. Prob nanners hiding in your bud. Gain the knowledge and figure out what happened. Don’t cut now. Nothing plus nothing is nothing. Get the seeds back, learn something, and have some smoke.
More tom foolery
I don't think that plant is a Hermie per say...BUT that plant has been pollinated quite well..If it was my plant ide grow it out till the seeds were mature..Won't get much useable bud but you will get some..May not be the best bud available..Hell throw it in a batch of edibles with some other shit..Run the seeds ya may find a gem in the future...No big loss man..Let it live...shit happens..Track down the problem and prevent it next time