Is this a mag deficiency?


Active Member
Ok im running r o water and ive recently stopped running my calcium additive and instead have been running dynagro's mag pro. And im having deficiency signs :/image.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yes its mag def. Just add Epsom salt to a spray bottle of water and foliar. Epsom salt Imo is the best thing fo mag and also has sulfur and oxygen.


Active Member
Yes its mag def. Just add Epsom salt to a spray bottle of water and foliar. Epsom salt Imo is the best thing fo mag and also has sulfur and oxygen.
Hmmm... Well they are 1 & 1/2 weeks til harvest... So i dont think foiler feeding would be very appropriate right now. Or would it lol. And if i just add epsom salt to my water... At what ratio should i do so


Well-Known Member
Those are not 1.5 weeks from harvest.

And I dont think that is an Mg deficiency either.


dude its flowering, some of the leaves are going to turn yellow. if you are about to harvest, you need to flush anyways. Epsom salt will definitely help, but i wouldn't want that on my bud. it will wash off though, so just be sure about a week before you cut it, THOROUGHLY flush the entire thing out. you dont want to blaze up chemicals.


Active Member
dude its flowering, some of the leaves are going to turn yellow. if you are about to harvest, you need to flush anyways. Epsom salt will definitely help, but i wouldn't want that on my bud. it will wash off though, so just be sure about a week before you cut it, THOROUGHLY flush the entire thing out. you dont want to blaze up chemicals.
right i understand that some of the leaves are going to yellow but this is like a severe fast progression from top to bottom


Well-Known Member
well it actually looks like a mg def although IME, Mg def will start more in the middle of the leaf and work its way out. Also usually accompanied by brown spotting and/or brown tips. Could be N as I notice very red petioles (leaf stems). If it is only affecting the newer leaves, it is probably Mg. But then you say you are adding an Mg supplement so its either an Mg lockout in which case, more Mg will only exacerbate the problem or something else. Bleaching?

There is really no such thing as a "harvest date" unless it is one arbitrarily set by the grower. Harvest when the plants are done, not by when theyre supposed to be done.


Active Member
well it actually looks like a mg def although IME, Mg def will start more in the middle of the leaf and work its way out. Also usually accompanied by brown spotting and/or brown tips. Could be N as I notice very red petioles (leaf stems). If it is only affecting the newer leaves, it is probably Mg. But then you say you are adding an Mg supplement so its either an Mg lockout in which case, more Mg will only exacerbate the problem or something else. Bleaching?

There is really no such thing as a "harvest date" unless it is one arbitrarily set by the grower. Harvest when the plants are done, not by when theyre supposed to be done.
I am such a noob. When trying to diagnose problems i never look at the stem color when i should. Now... You say because of the petioles being red it could possibly be a N deficiency.. So should i try and work in a little bit of my veg (grow) nutrients even during flowering? And it could be mag LOCKOUT as well. Hmmm.. They are nearing the end of their life tho because the hairs are starting to change color, the trichromes are starting to form a nice t top shape , the smell has reached a prime stage and bud formation hasdefinitely slowed down/stopped. So im going to let them dry out. And then give them a nice flush