Is this a magnesium problem?


Active Member
Hey guys,

A friend handed me a few plants he had growing indoors and they are now outside.

I am not sure what he was feeding them and I have only given them water for this week.

These are pics of 3 plants...from what I read , I think it is magnesium problem but you guys know better than me. What do you think is happening here?[/ATTACH][/ATTACH]



Well-Known Member
that's the bitc$ about deficiencies bro... almost all grow problems look like something else also, and many times trying to fix what you think is the problem will actually make the real problem get worse. I'm not an expert on here, but I'd say most of the time the problem is nute burn and that's what your pix look like


Active Member
Thanks ,

I'll keep an eye out for the new growth and try to keep these babies healthy!!!

Smoke on!!!


Well-Known Member
that has to be nute burn the yellowing gives it away if it were magnesium it would literally be just the tips and not so much the edges that turn a rustic brown color and turn up words.


Well-Known Member
that's not nute burn. more like beggining stages of k deficiency-classic signs-look it up.
what are you gonna do about nutes?