Is this a major issue? Just started budding


Well-Known Member
And then if that doesnt help (and it will help right away if it is the prob) then worry about salt build up causing causing nute lock out and whatever else... remove the easy variables first when trouble shooting...

Gareth Jehan

Well-Known Member
Hey maybe I've gone full retard in explaining this, I have a fan sucking the old air out its a five inch Flow extraction fan with a filter on it, the ducting pipe is leading out to a window that is permanently open at least a few inch. On my tent there are three holes permanently open the holes are about 6 inch wide. Also in the tent is a large oscillating fan mixing the air. The tent is opened up fully for about 15-20 mins twice a day whilst I pray to the flower power gods in the sky to allow my plants a good chance in life.

I ain't been worried about salt build up but it may be a possibility I haven't explored yet and won't until I get further advice or done more research. It's difficult when getting advice through the forum as the people giving it all have their own experiences and opinions on what might be the issue, so far I've had salt build up, ventilation issues and advice saying its normal. I guess folk like me just need to go through shite like this when starting out to find out the crack.

So yeah am still none the wiser but will try to improve ventilation, don't know how I can get more unless I put the plants outside. Maybe I should flush them not done that yet, or maybe I should pray four to five times a day and start chanting. I will let you know our progress good or bad.

Cheers for the advice always appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Hey, can anyone assist me please?
I have placed my plants into the budding 12/12 stage after 8 weeks of veg. They are fairly big and so far, look healthy. However, one or two of them have begun to have a yellowing of the leaves and they just fall off. The rest of the plant still looks healthy though. I heard that I should give them some veg notes with one of my feeds, which I have.
I'm growing in coco and using dutch go pro nutes and using mag/cal supplement
600 watt light
Permanent fan
Ph is at 5.8

The thing is the humidity is real high as well, about 80% do I need a dehumidifier?

Please help would be a shame to cock it up now

Kind Regards

GarethView attachment 3395074View attachment 3395075
Cal mag and nitrogen. Add some base veg nute to your nutrient profile. Transition feedin is very important esp if u werent giving them enough during veg. @8 weeks of veg u shud be going pretty heavy on ppm bcuz they r big plants and will require heavy feedings.