Is this a male pod growing right in the middle of a bud?


They are 5 weeks into flower. They are in the same pot. I know that's not a good idea but it was an accident and I couldn't bring myself to chop one.
So what the hell is that little purple thing right in the middle? These are pics of the main cola. The other buds don't have the pods like that...The last picture shows it the best.

09-26-10_0018_.jpgView attachment 1178780View attachment 1178781


ok heres some close ups. It's the little reddish purple thing. ..haha.
It's pretty small, but about the same size as a normal male pod.


There's 2 out of 4 doing this. The 2 doing it are in the same pot. I don't have anywhere to move it to. I might just pick off the pod..

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
id say its a nanner from hermie but those are usualy yellow. did you foliar with something and maybe burnt it a bit...get rid of it anyways


New Member
why do u have them in the same pots and if someone tells u to chop it dont do it
could be a hermie still hard to tell
i would pick it off and finish them do not chop if u only got 2-3 weeks left


Well-Known Member
Its an empty pod. You would know if it was the real deal seed. Looks like your plant almost hermed. Must of been shocked sometime after flowering started. Thats my 2 cents. Good luck. Looks great still.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
agreed there. just watch for more after takin that off. to close to harvest to be worried about it seeding anyways, takes a few weeks for seed to form


They're in the same pot by accident. I planted 2 seeds in the same one by accident and decided to see what happens.
I didn't foliar feed at all ever. I'll just pick it off.