Is This a Male? Then Grafting to Create New Strains. Abstract Art. I am Bored.

C. Nesbitt

Well-Known Member
Hey RIU, one of my plants recently started shooting off these weird white hairy things outdoors. Location is southeast Michigan near Canada. The plant can even see Canada from the yard on clear days if it stands on the roof of the shed. The plant's got dual US and Canadian citizenship I guess LOL!! Oh and fuck the Leafs, Red Wings all the way baby!!!


I think those white hairs must be male flowers ‘cause they are kinda phallic-looking to me. The ones that point up look like little plant erections, the ones that point down don't, but they still look like wieners and they are all coming out of little things that look like nutsacks. So, what do you all think RIU community? Are they plant weenies? Do I have a confirmed male on my hands? I debated doing a search for images online, but there's like some seriously retarded information you can find online sometimes so I don’t always trust random stuff I find with the search function.

Has anyone ever seen a plant do something like this before? Weird. I’m thinking that I need to chop him down straight away to avoid having it spread male reproductive dust or whatever it’s called. Pollen, that's the word I'm looking for, pollen.

Anyway, I don’t want that pollen splooging all over my yard like a Jackson Pollack painting and seeding my other plants. Fingers crossed that my others grow girl parts soon. I'm not sure what girl parts on a plant even look like, but I’ll post some pics when the other ones start putting out flower parts and ask for y’all’s help identifying them. I’m envisioning that lady cannabis flowers should look like a Georgia O’Keefe painting maybe??

This boy plant was grown from some brickweed bagseed that smelled like a mix of dirt, fuel, cheese, cat piss, cake, smegma, pepper, paraquat, pine, mint, deep woods off, fresh lemons and bazooka bubble gum. Tasted just like it smelled in joint form (really rich smegma and mint notes) but was way more bazooka bubblegum forward when ripping bong hits of it. Got like 250 seeds out of ¼ zip, broke it all up on a Cheech and Chong album jacket – memories! Some of those supposedly fire-producing seed companies want like $100 or more for 5 seeds, I got 250 of them plus a ¼ of weed for $45! And I made a sweet toothpick out of one of the big stems. Yay me!

He was vegged indoors with his sisters under 16/8 for 4 months using a couple of 1000W equivalent blurples. I forget the brand name right now, but total state of the art LED shit from Alibaba, they draw like 66 watts at the wall but are BRIGHT AF. My basement looked like a scene out of the movie “The Gentleman” with McConaughey during veg.

Did a healthy mix of topping, LST, fimming, supercropping and defoliation/schwazzing to keep them manageable inside. Plants were moved outside mid-June. Man, I'm bummed 'cause I was sure the plants I started would all be female. I carefully selected all the beans I popped based on a female seeds chart I found online. Looks like I accidentally picked a male seed though, I wasn’t sure it was pointy enough at the one end when I was sorting the seeds into male and female groups using that sweet ass chart. Do you all sort your regular seeds that way?

I know about feminized seeds, but I read they hermie out like at least half the time unless you feed them a full line of designer nutes or MiracleGro patio food. Full lines get expensive. I read that MiracleGro stuff will make the buds all harsh tasting, give heavy metal toxicity, cause sterility and worse! Don't want to mess with that noise so I stay away from fems.

I also heard that feminized seeds only carry like one half of the fire genes from the parents so you only get like a 12.5% chance of them being fire. I'm not 100% on that math, I guess it depends on whether the mom was a landrace or a hybrid sativa or a IBL indica, or maybe if it was type 1 or a type 2 plant. I can't keep all this shit straight in my brain, that's why I ask you all for confirmation on this stuff!

Anyway, more about this boy plant. He was grown in a 50/50 mix of promix, compost, topsoil, aged dog manure and some hydroton pellets that the grow store guy said are great for aeration and root development. Usually meant for DWC I guess, but they had bags on clearance. Mixed in a layer of used kitty litter too, made like a lasagna with alternating layers of all the ingredients. I guess that doesn't work out to 50/50 but you all get the idea. Maths is hard sometimes. The potting mix smelled a little rank for a week, the runoff was straight up foul when I watered too, but it calmed down.

He's currently in a 25 gallon pot. Feeding has been a weekly top dressing with a 33/33/33 mix of dehydrated urine, semen and unaged dog poop. Then watering to runoff with coconut water when it looks thirsty or the pots feel light, usually 2-3 times a week. That coconut milk is getting expensive but manageable buying it in bulk at the local Chinese grocery store. I heard the Chinese coconut milk may not be FDA approved though and might not be as good as the Thai stuff, but whatever.

The top dressing kinda smells bad but I read on the internet that human urine is the absolute best source for usable nitrogen for cannabis plants and helps them flourish. I chase my dog around to collect her urine in a bowl too, the progesterone in her pee is even better for the plants than my pee, at least that's what I read somewhere. I mix all the pee together and then dry it out on a baking sheet in the oven. I read that that helps chelate some of the micro nutrients in the pee and it decarboxylates stuff so the plants will ultimately have more usable THC. I don't understand the science totally, but I remember the words "chelate" and "decarboxylate" for sure. Using my kidneys and my dog's kidneys to harvest fertilizer is just so COOL!!

Semen is an amazing substance too, I read all about that on another a RIU post in the spirituality forum. I didn’t read the whole thing and I was huffing carb cleaner that day, but the gist is that semen has magical properties that promote plant health, vigor, dankness and that many pro growers use it as a secret ingredient to grow fire. (Put “semen” in the RIU search box and you’ll find that thread. Or maybe don't, after I think about it some more, that thread might be best left unread so it can die, I can't unsee it though.)

My wrist was suffering from harvesting semen until I got my 17, 15 (twins), and 13 year old to pitch in too. I had to take the internet nanny off their phones to help with production, but I think they knew how to get around that to look at naughty stuff already anyway. The twins especially are producers. Boy, they're just like a couple of little old spider monkeys I tell ya.

The dog poop adds beneficial microbes to the soil, from what I read, plus it provides a usable source of protein that plants need to grow big and strong. It attracts rats though, they can't get enough of it. Both the dog shit and the coconut water do attract flies and other bugs a lot too, including some aphids. But, I just knock all those bastards down with some malathion, applied as both a foliar feed and a soil drench weekly.

I know some of the preachy-er/judgey-er people on RIU frown on using synthetic organophosphate pesticides, but my parents used that shit in the ‘70’s and '80's in their vegetable garden along with sevin dust and I turned out fine. I was once tested with a borderline genius IQ, so I’m pretty sure it even helped me to be exposed to all that stuff as a little kid. I think those claims by the State of California that it's an endocrine disruptor are suspicious and totally unproven anyway. I just don't trust shit coming out of that state. Don't even get me started on what California emission standards have done to cars!

Back to the plant, I’m thinking of maybe cutting off all the top branches with these weird white penis hairs and just leaving the bottom as root stock, then trying my hand at grafting some elite cuts to the bottom branches, like grafting fruit trees or roses. Maybe graft a branch of Northern Lights, a branch of GG4 and a branch of landrace Thai to create a new polyhybrid. I’ll call it Northern Glue Stick Bazooka. I could swap the NL for Blueberry and get Blue Glue Bazooka. I was reading some old posts by a genius named Finshaggy, sounds like they were running similar experiments – not sure if their ideas worked out but it all sounded so damn cool!

That’d be bomb, get the best of all worlds with those strains mixing their DNA in the root stock. But, I worry the root stock might genetically pass on the weird white hair male flower trait to the grafted parts though?!? I might try it anyway, even if it turns out to be a male polyhybrid, I could use the pollen to seed my other plants and pass on the polyhybrid traits to them, then use those seeds to grow absolute bomb ass dank fire next year!

I'm thinking of setting up a huge indoor grow op with like 80 or even a 100 Fluence lights and mass producing Northern Glue Stick Bazooka next year. Like literally build a warehouse inside a warehouse for that grow op. Shooting for 500 maybe even 800 pounds of fire a year out of that op. My boys are all homeschooled anyway, so I can use them as indentured labor to help out with the trimming of all that dank. Super character building - plus the malathion exposure will help make them smarter in the process.

Oh, two last questions; if I have the white hairs/penis thing all wrong and the plant is actually female, do you all think it’s close to ready to harvest? How much do you estimate I'll get?

I'm thinking "About a pound" give or take.

Any and all comments welcomed and appreciated!

-The Trolling Cat:joint::twisted:
Didn’t read that wall of text but it appears to be flowering.
I’d say female.
More pictures of underside of buds, and nodes, where branches come off the stem will help to be sure.
Hey RIU, one of my plants recently started shooting off these weird white hairy things outdoors. Location is southeast Michigan near Canada. The plant can even see Canada from the yard on clear days if it stands on the roof of the shed. The plant's got dual US and Canadian citizenship I guess LOL!! Oh and fuck the Leafs, Red Wings all the way baby!!!

View attachment 4967727

I think those white hairs must be male flowers ‘cause they are kinda phallic-looking to me. The ones that point up look like little plant erections, the ones that point down don't, but they still look like wieners and they are all coming out of little things that look like nutsacks. So, what do you all think RIU community? Are they plant weenies? Do I have a confirmed male on my hands? I debated doing a search for images online, but there's like some seriously retarded information you can find online sometimes so I don’t always trust random stuff I find with the search function.

Has anyone ever seen a plant do something like this before? Weird. I’m thinking that I need to chop him down straight away to avoid having it spread male reproductive dust or whatever it’s called. Pollen, that's the word I'm looking for, pollen.

Anyway, I don’t want that pollen splooging all over my yard like a Jackson Pollack painting and seeding my other plants. Fingers crossed that my others grow girl parts soon. I'm not sure what girl parts on a plant even look like, but I’ll post some pics when the other ones start putting out flower parts and ask for y’all’s help identifying them. I’m envisioning that lady cannabis flowers should look like a Georgia O’Keefe painting maybe??

This boy plant was grown from some brickweed bagseed that smelled like a mix of dirt, fuel, cheese, cat piss, cake, smegma, pepper, paraquat, pine, mint, deep woods off, fresh lemons and bazooka bubble gum. Tasted just like it smelled in joint form (really rich smegma and mint notes) but was way more bazooka bubblegum forward when ripping bong hits of it. Got like 250 seeds out of ¼ zip, broke it all up on a Cheech and Chong album jacket – memories! Some of those supposedly fire-producing seed companies want like $100 or more for 5 seeds, I got 250 of them plus a ¼ of weed for $45! And I made a sweet toothpick out of one of the big stems. Yay me!

He was vegged indoors with his sisters under 16/8 for 4 months using a couple of 1000W equivalent blurples. I forget the brand name right now, but total state of the art LED shit from Alibaba, they draw like 66 watts at the wall but are BRIGHT AF. My basement looked like a scene out of the movie “The Gentleman” with McConaughey during veg.

Did a healthy mix of topping, LST, fimming, supercropping and defoliation/schwazzing to keep them manageable inside. Plants were moved outside mid-June. Man, I'm bummed 'cause I was sure the plants I started would all be female. I carefully selected all the beans I popped based on a female seeds chart I found online. Looks like I accidentally picked a male seed though, I wasn’t sure it was pointy enough at the one end when I was sorting the seeds into male and female groups using that sweet ass chart. Do you all sort your regular seeds that way?

I know about feminized seeds, but I read they hermie out like at least half the time unless you feed them a full line of designer nutes or MiracleGro patio food. Full lines get expensive. I read that MiracleGro stuff will make the buds all harsh tasting, give heavy metal toxicity, cause sterility and worse! Don't want to mess with that noise so I stay away from fems.

I also heard that feminized seeds only carry like one half of the fire genes from the parents so you only get like a 12.5% chance of them being fire. I'm not 100% on that math, I guess it depends on whether the mom was a landrace or a hybrid sativa or a IBL indica, or maybe if it was type 1 or a type 2 plant. I can't keep all this shit straight in my brain, that's why I ask you all for confirmation on this stuff!

Anyway, more about this boy plant. He was grown in a 50/50 mix of promix, compost, topsoil, aged dog manure and some hydroton pellets that the grow store guy said are great for aeration and root development. Usually meant for DWC I guess, but they had bags on clearance. Mixed in a layer of used kitty litter too, made like a lasagna with alternating layers of all the ingredients. I guess that doesn't work out to 50/50 but you all get the idea. Maths is hard sometimes. The potting mix smelled a little rank for a week, the runoff was straight up foul when I watered too, but it calmed down.

He's currently in a 25 gallon pot. Feeding has been a weekly top dressing with a 33/33/33 mix of dehydrated urine, semen and unaged dog poop. Then watering to runoff with coconut water when it looks thirsty or the pots feel light, usually 2-3 times a week. That coconut milk is getting expensive but manageable buying it in bulk at the local Chinese grocery store. I heard the Chinese coconut milk may not be FDA approved though and might not be as good as the Thai stuff, but whatever.

The top dressing kinda smells bad but I read on the internet that human urine is the absolute best source for usable nitrogen for cannabis plants and helps them flourish. I chase my dog around to collect her urine in a bowl too, the progesterone in her pee is even better for the plants than my pee, at least that's what I read somewhere. I mix all the pee together and then dry it out on a baking sheet in the oven. I read that that helps chelate some of the micro nutrients in the pee and it decarboxylates stuff so the plants will ultimately have more usable THC. I don't understand the science totally, but I remember the words "chelate" and "decarboxylate" for sure. Using my kidneys and my dog's kidneys to harvest fertilizer is just so COOL!!

Semen is an amazing substance too, I read all about that on another a RIU post in the spirituality forum. I didn’t read the whole thing and I was huffing carb cleaner that day, but the gist is that semen has magical properties that promote plant health, vigor, dankness and that many pro growers use it as a secret ingredient to grow fire. (Put “semen” in the RIU search box and you’ll find that thread. Or maybe don't, after I think about it some more, that thread might be best left unread so it can die, I can't unsee it though.)

My wrist was suffering from harvesting semen until I got my 17, 15 (twins), and 13 year old to pitch in too. I had to take the internet nanny off their phones to help with production, but I think they knew how to get around that to look at naughty stuff already anyway. The twins especially are producers. Boy, they're just like a couple of little old spider monkeys I tell ya.

The dog poop adds beneficial microbes to the soil, from what I read, plus it provides a usable source of protein that plants need to grow big and strong. It attracts rats though, they can't get enough of it. Both the dog shit and the coconut water do attract flies and other bugs a lot too, including some aphids. But, I just knock all those bastards down with some malathion, applied as both a foliar feed and a soil drench weekly.

I know some of the preachy-er/judgey-er people on RIU frown on using synthetic organophosphate pesticides, but my parents used that shit in the ‘70’s and '80's in their vegetable garden along with sevin dust and I turned out fine. I was once tested with a borderline genius IQ, so I’m pretty sure it even helped me to be exposed to all that stuff as a little kid. I think those claims by the State of California that it's an endocrine disruptor are suspicious and totally unproven anyway. I just don't trust shit coming out of that state. Don't even get me started on what California emission standards have done to cars!

Back to the plant, I’m thinking of maybe cutting off all the top branches with these weird white penis hairs and just leaving the bottom as root stock, then trying my hand at grafting some elite cuts to the bottom branches, like grafting fruit trees or roses. Maybe graft a branch of Northern Lights, a branch of GG4 and a branch of landrace Thai to create a new polyhybrid. I’ll call it Northern Glue Stick Bazooka. I could swap the NL for Blueberry and get Blue Glue Bazooka. I was reading some old posts by a genius named Finshaggy, sounds like they were running similar experiments – not sure if their ideas worked out but it all sounded so damn cool!

That’d be bomb, get the best of all worlds with those strains mixing their DNA in the root stock. But, I worry the root stock might genetically pass on the weird white hair male flower trait to the grafted parts though?!? I might try it anyway, even if it turns out to be a male polyhybrid, I could use the pollen to seed my other plants and pass on the polyhybrid traits to them, then use those seeds to grow absolute bomb ass dank fire next year!

I'm thinking of setting up a huge indoor grow op with like 80 or even a 100 Fluence lights and mass producing Northern Glue Stick Bazooka next year. Like literally build a warehouse inside a warehouse for that grow op. Shooting for 500 maybe even 800 pounds of fire a year out of that op. My boys are all homeschooled anyway, so I can use them as indentured labor to help out with the trimming of all that dank. Super character building - plus the malathion exposure will help make them smarter in the process.

Channelling @tyler.durden

