Is this a male


I have a Nukedaddy that is about 1 month old. It was a free regular seed . I noticed today while topping it what appears to be possible male parts 1 on each side of plant. Can anyone confirm that's what it is from the photos._31A5519_1.jpg _31A5523_1.jpg
Give it another few days, maybe up to a week. I have seen those exact pods bust open with nice female hairs popping out. Males will cluster like grapes.
If anybody tells you this might be female they don’t know what they are talking about. Throw this plant away.
I am not saying it is not a male, but yeah, no way I would toss it yet. I probably have pictures somewhere of this exact situation that ended up being female.
I think it is likely a male, but agree that there is no point in throwing it out yet. Wait a few more days for REAL confirmation.
If anybody tells you this might be female they don’t know what they are talking about. Throw this plant away.

If anyone kills plants based on weird pre flowers on a stressed hairy plant showing trichs already then they dont know that 99% of us know the corect answer is to wait and their opinion is merely a 1% and certainly of no real matter.

This plant puts forth a gazillion flower and yet you want us to judge on the very first probably mutated one.... Give over thats not how we learn :-)
If it is a male isolate it, collect the pollen, pollinate a branch on a female plant and make yourself enough seeds to last for a long time.

Males are not bad. Panic over males is ridiculous. Some act like they're going to infect the other plants somehow by just being in the same room. You have plenty of time to get rid of it if you want.

I grow them on purpose

Run! It's a male!

The horror!



If it is a male isolate it, collect the pollen, pollinate a branch on a female plant and make yourself enough seeds to last for a long time.

Males are not bad. Panic over males is ridiculous. Some act like they're going to infect the other plants somehow by just being in the same room. You have plenty of time to get rid of it if you want.

I grow them on purpose

Run! It's a male!

The horror!




Middle picture t5's, great shot :-)
Looks female, except it might have hermied already? One little pollen sack, but the plant looks female.

Kind of a head scratcher until more time is allowed I'd guess, Better off sure than sorry.
just based on that 1 male lookin ball, i'm 90% sure this is male, but I've also been 90% sure I had a fem and have been wrong. so hold on and see.

Ive been smoking far too much recently but honestly to me it looks male in shape but dont look anything like a normal pollen sac and not sure it is a pollen sac or there would be pollen and anthers.

Now it might yet be male but i wont classify plants of stuff im sure has yet to throw a real pollen sac.

Is it just me or is that pollen sac covered in pubes and trichs, im actually wanting one of the pros that lurk to really confirm it is a weird pre flower or an actual male pre flower?

It has seperations but im not sure thats right either. Kingrow1 actually rep+++'s the Op as this is interesting and we need answers..... please :-)
Ive been smoking far too much recently but honestly to me it looks male in shape but dont look anything like a normal pollen sac and not sure it is a pollen sac or there would be pollen and anthers.

Now it might yet be male but i wont classify plants of stuff im sure has yet to throw a real pollen sac.

Is it just me or is that pollen sac covered in pubes and trichs, im actually wanting one of the pros that lurk to really confirm it is a weird pre flower or an actual male pre flower?

It has seperations but im not sure thats right either. Kingrow1 actually rep+++'s the Op as this is interesting and we need answers..... please :-)
only reason i'm really leaning male is how long the stem that the sac is on. I have NEVER seen a fem have that long of a stem on the girlparts (blanking on science names lol)

My picture is nowhere near as good of course, this is like 10 years old now... But if you can see, this is from a feminized seed. There are TWO of those "ball sacks". I posted this picture when it was happening. 9 out of 10 posts said it was a male and toss it... Well, it was not a male, it was a female. Only reason I posted it was because I was pissed that my feminized seed seemed to be a male. Once again, it was not a male, ended up being a FIRE ASS female plant.
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My picture is nowhere near as good of course, this is like 10 years old now... But if you can see, this is from a feminized seed. There are TWO of those "ball sacks". I posted this picture when it was happening. 9 out of 10 posts said it was a male and toss it... Well, it was not a male, it was a female. Only reason I posted it was because I was pissed that my feminized seed seemed to be a male. Once again, it was not a male, ended up being a FIRE ASS female plant.

Understanding this weird pre flower phenomenon is what a lot of growers miss and why they should leave sexing to the pros.

Strange that there is this whole extra part to sexing yet fuck all members ever study or write about it - i independantly declare this the Kg mutation and as such you will all refer to it by that name :-)