Is this a mg. or iron deficiency

Need help what type of deficiency is this.And how to cure it. I think it's magnesium,but could be iron also.treated with epsom salt yesterday,yellowing has subsided a little bit i guess. thanks guys.



Well-Known Member
Need help what type of deficiency is this.And how to cure it. I think it's magnesium,but could be iron also.treated with epsom salt yesterday,yellowing has subsided a little bit i guess. thanks guys.
Get some cal-mag plus. It has iron in it. Iron def. usually starts at the top of the plant and mag. starts at the bottom. With cal-mag you're covered either way. Best of luck my friend.
thanks for the quick reply.i only went to burn one and had hydro store nearby.any handy iron supplement anybody know of?

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Hard to make any type of diagnosis without knowing the essentials (growing media, fert(s) applied,pH etc) Pictures are great but need more info. please
under cfl in veg.temps stay at around 75f to 80f.Media being perlite/pea gravel (3to1).All of this is my fault.Mixing different teas,bone,blood,molasses.Was using maxi bloom with no problems,other than needing to add a little nitrate nitrogen for veg and beginning of flowering plants look great.And as of this morning they are clearing up more.The epsom salt must take a few days to show improvement.i will look for seaweed extract,been meaning to but havent had ex. cash.have to for my sweet wonder woman girls. thanks again guys.
sorry,my p.h. i try to go 5.2-5.5 one time then 5.8 next feeding.but on my old flood and drain tables i set p.h. at 5.2 let it rise on it's own to 6 then jack it back down.therefore nutrient uptake could be optimal for all minerals before each adjustment.not flood and drain now but still hydro.mix of hempy and hydro.