Is this a NITROGEN Deficiency? Yellowing of bottom leaves, Progressing upwards.


New Member
Hope every one is doing well! Could you please take a look and tell me whats going on with my plant.

The growth has slowed quite a bit for starters. Then about 2 days a go the first set of leafs that the plant grows began to yellow. As you can see the ends have began to turn slightly brown, as well as the next set of leafs above that are really wrinkled at the end. At first I thought it might be nute burn, but the concentration of the nute im feeding it is very low. So I think it might be a nitrogen deficiency. What do you think? Should I up the nute concentration in my water? I really want to make sure my girl is healthy, Im trying to care for her like a child haha.

Thanks for everything you experienced growers do for us noobs!

20130515_131347.jpg20130515_131337.jpg20130515_131326.jpg (Sorry, I'm unsure as to why the pictures are not positioned correctly)


I am currently low stressing the plant. I have not topped it yet. Is the plant big enough to be topped? I really need my plant to be as bushy as possible, im not looking for alot of height. Currently it just seems like LST the plant it just grows the plant wider in one direction. Would be great if I could get it to go in multiple directions like I have seen others do. Again I am new at this, so and suggestions would be appreciated.


Active Member
looks like it.N def..I would think its being created by over watering in that heavy looking will be fine im sure....this happens often when the planter is a little big for the rootball, especially at this stage....jmho!


Well-Known Member
what kind of soil, light's, and are you checking your P.H.? To me looks a little over watered and a little nute burn. I am just a newbie so i might be wrong?


Well-Known Member
It doesn't look like N burn to me, I have the same problem with my crop. I've grown several crops and most of em have the problem.

I honestly think its overwater and/or mag def, my current plant has Mag def and i gave it some liquid iron with like 5 percent mag and it helped it out, I'd consider flushing it and adding whatever nutes you use at like 1/4 -1/2 the recommended dosage once the soil is dry.

To cure overwatering, let the plant dry out till it wilts, Lift it, water it till it runs out the bottom ALOT, then lift it, And before you water lift the pot to make sure its light. i got my veg plants under a 4x24 watt t-5. and water every 4-5 days and they don't wilt. My flowering plants are under a 15- watt hps and 8x 24 watt t5 and they get water every 3 days, and i have 4-5 fans in each box making the plants sway in the wind lol, No need to water if they don't need it. just my opinion. Im no expert but have had 7 crops and work at a nursery for 4 years now so i know a little although some people know a whole lot more than me.


New Member
Thanks for all the responses. I am currently growing inside a computer case to get the plant nice and healthy, then I'm transplanting outside. I have 2 50 watt bulbs in the case as well as 12v computer fans blowing. i water in the morning and at night. The soil always seems so dry thats why i water twice a day. the set up i have just seems to bake the plant. in fact I have lost 4 plants that were in rockwool due to them just getting fried (again i watered them 2 times a day)

what kind of soil, light's, and are you checking your P.H.? To me looks a little over watered and a little nute burn. I am just a newbie so i might be wrong?
i thought when you over watered the leaves sagged?


New Member
It doesn't look like N burn to me, I have the same problem with my crop. I've grown several crops and most of em have the problem.

I honestly think its overwater and/or mag def, my current plant has Mag def and i gave it some liquid iron with like 5 percent mag and it helped it out, I'd consider flushing it and adding whatever nutes you use at like 1/4 -1/2 the recommended dosage once the soil is dry.

To cure overwatering, let the plant dry out till it wilts, Lift it, water it till it runs out the bottom ALOT, then lift it, And before you water lift the pot to make sure its light. i got my veg plants under a 4x24 watt t-5. and water every 4-5 days and they don't wilt. My flowering plants are under a 15- watt hps and 8x 24 watt t5 and they get water every 3 days, and i have 4-5 fans in each box making the plants sway in the wind lol, No need to water if they don't need it. just my opinion. Im no expert but have had 7 crops and work at a nursery for 4 years now so i know a little although some people know a whole lot more than me.

Thanks for the good info. Ill try what you recommended, thanks. The soil always feels so dry so I was unsure. Any ideas as to why I have stunted growth? About a week and a have ago it had explosive growth, no hardly any!