Is this a pH problem or heat? (with pic)


Active Member
Okay, but that doesn't really answer my question. She's still not relaxing her leaves even with the temp dropped down to about 75 (with lights on now) and her pH is at a 6.5-6.8.


Active Member
That's just my way of describing it... but yeah. Her leaves are all curled upwards (as shown in the picture at the beginning of the thread) and I want her to "relax" and stop curling.

From what I've read it's either heat or pH, but according to my readings, both are fine.

I can hold my hand at the top of the plant and barely feel any heat at all from the bulb that's about 2-3" away from the plant.


Well-Known Member
only reason a leaf curls like that is to decrease the surface area to prevent water loss.

If that isn't heat, then there is something seriously wrong going on in your medium... or a too low humidity. Do you know if your area has a low humidity?


Active Member
I live in Florida, so I'm guessing no... but I'm not sure.

Is there any way to tell without heading out and buying something to test the humidity?

I just bought a new thermometer, so I'm going to get test the temps in just a minute.


Well-Known Member
Those leaves probably won't relax again anyway. they'll stay like that now for as long as they are on the plant.

you sure it's not heat? doesn't have to be hot now, but in the past?


Active Member
In the past, yeah it got pretty hot. I didn't know the leaves would stay that way. Learn something new every day (or in my case, multiple times a day!)

She seems to still be growing well. I fimmed her top yesterday, and her new growths took off running and are already getting pretty long, maybe 1/4" just 1 day after they showed up.

The temps were a little high, but that's because I tossed an extra bulb in there for an hour or so today to give my sprout some extra light. I just took it out to get it back down. I'm going to give it 20 minutes with the top of the box off and the fans running, then replace the top and test again about 20 minutes after that.


Active Member
Yeah, all the new stuff looks great. It's still small, but it's looking just fine and healthy.

In the morning it'll probably have shot up, as it does pretty much every night and I can get some good photos then.

Thanks for the advice. +rep