Is This a Problem?


Well-Known Member
There's this bud and one other with leaves curling slightly, should I worry? She's 5 weeks into flower and generally appears quite healthy.
Here's hoping it's newbie nerves, and nothing to worry about.



Well-Known Member
Man that dont look good. I won't guess what it is but I def know it's a problem because I can see red flags everywhere


Well-Known Member
Looks to me to be Nitrogen toxicity.

Few things to check.

pH to make sure you're within the optimum for your medium.

feeding strength


feeding frequency



Well-Known Member
agree. might want to consider flushing the soil out and then ease back into some ferts. after one more watering.

bill johnson

that looks like one funky munky. I agree that I would flush and see if there is a change....good luck


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone, going to flush her later. She's in a bubbler so a change should be evident quite soon then?


Well-Known Member
they leaves dont concern me as much as the buds. how come they still lookin like dat after 5 weeks? vewy vewy interesting.
my first plant looked like that just before i chopped it down (leafwise that is) so ...i dont think you should worry to much. or does the whole plant look like so?


Well-Known Member
I don't have a clue why the buds are still like that. Been under one 250watt cfl, got the 150watt hps just a few weeks ago. Apart from the leaf curl, on only a few, she is fine. Am I missing something? To be honest, I've never got a plant up to five weeks before, so how are the buds supposed to be by now?


Well-Known Member
The lamps arern't close enough to burn her. She's in a bubbler, been on water for the last 2 daze. Definitely not re vegging because of light leaks as she is in a tent. In all likely hood it's too much nitrogen judging by replies. Two daze water, shall I give her some nitrogen now.
The growth nutrient she was on had ec of 1.04 (full strength and she was quite happy), but the flower nutrients at full strength were around 1.47. I assumed if she could handle full strength growth nutrients, she could handle full strength flower nutrients.....wrong?
Sorry for delay getting back.....slept.
Oh yeh, Ph checked twice weekly around 6.0.