is this a sign of over feeding?


Well-Known Member
i fed my plants this morning and now the leaves are curled upwards all over. I noticed this another time too when they were dry, they were sagging, and then i fed them a strong does of nutrients in the water. im thinking its over feeding, because also ive got a bit of nute burn going on.


Well-Known Member
If you have nute burn than you obviously over fed your plants LOL you answered your own question. Curling leaves though is from pH issues. Are you pHing your water going in and then checking the pH of the runoff?


Well-Known Member
Leaf curling can be heat, overwatering, or nute burn. If you haven't overheated or overwatered your plants. . . its nute burn. I'd flush them and see what happens. The PH check is solid advice as well.


Active Member
If you have nute burn than you obviously over fed your plants LOL you answered your own question. Curling leaves though is from pH issues. Are you pHing your water going in and then checking the pH of the runoff?

Tom I have seen some of my very small plants have the leaves turn upward and kinda yellow at the tip and maybe even turn brown form there.... I dont check the pH due to not having a meter....would that be my problem?? Sorry wish I had a pic of it. I ended up killing it anyways but would still like to know about it.


Well-Known Member
Lonely - You can purchase a soil pH tester and water pH testers at hardware stores, garden stores, etc. Online they are available everywhere. Soil pH tester should be around ten bucks, water pH tester should be between 5-15. Good things to pick up man.


Active Member
Oh johnwashburn I do not mean to intrude on ur thread tom just had some good info that I am trying to wrap my finger around


Well-Known Member
Oh johnwashburn I do not mean to intrude on ur thread tom just had some good info that I am trying to wrap my finger around

no problem, im not worried about it.

does anyone know if i can just purchase a fish tank ph kit and use it in my soil? I never have worried about ph before and I'm started my fourth little project now.

someone was talking about curling yellow seedlings......I have some sprouts right now and one is yellow. Probably wants some nitrogen i think like the other guy said. i just used some soil from my garden though haha. I guess it will have to do until payday


Well-Known Member
I'm sure now it was nute burn. Wasn't sure at first but now im sure of it. I have this powerbloom stuff i got from a local greenhouse, 10-40-25. i fed it extra. but i guess now i will have to do a little flush and then go easy on the powerbloom eh?


Active Member
I'm sure now it was nute burn. Wasn't sure at first but now im sure of it. I have this powerbloom stuff i got from a local greenhouse, 10-40-25. i fed it extra. but i guess now i will have to do a little flush and then go easy on the powerbloom eh?
Oh yea you should feed it a little less. What kinda feeding schedule was it on? You say fed it a lil extra how much extra was that. I took haven't picked up a soil meter they are pretty inexpensive though.


Well-Known Member
Oh yea you should feed it a little less. What kinda feeding schedule was it on? You say fed it a lil extra how much extra was that. I took haven't picked up a soil meter they are pretty inexpensive though.
i feed them a little above the recomended dosage. about and extra have dosage. so if it was 1 teaspoon, i do 1 and a half every watering, with my old nutes it was working fine, but i guess these are a bit stronger.