Is this a spider or a spider mite?


Well-Known Member
I saw this little bugger crawling on the top perlite layer of my new seedlings. Should I have concern that this is a spider mite or just a spider?

On a side note: a few spiders always seemed to get into the cloning tray area and made a home out of the empty cells in there, this doesn't bother me, but is it okay for the plants?

spider 2.jpgspider1.jpg


Well-Known Member
She wasn't a White Widow...that is Glenda the Good Witch of the North...but I like the spider pun...I do so enjoy a good pun... But poor Glenda, you making her a widow...I think she was more a lonely spinster... Nahhhh.... I am forgetting about the little people...


Well-Known Member
And uhhh, it's just a gross grossy tiny little spider, so technically good for the plants, as they eat any other bugs, but they are going to be walking all over your plants with their gross yucky yuck little spider-y feet...ewwww...I can hear their little weirdo legs and mouths from here...


Ursus marijanus
She wasn't a White Widow...that is Glenda the Good Witch of the North...but I like the spider pun...I do so enjoy a good pun... But poor Glenda, you making her a widow...I think she was more a lonely spinster... Nahhhh.... I am forgetting about the little people...
Well, since we're beating technicalities into a thin cream, she's Glinda. ;) cn


Well-Known Member
BTW, even tho spiders only eat bugs, I can't help but wondering would they weeve ( spelling ) there're little webs all over your plant.