Is This a Swollen Calyx, or Is My Plant Going Hermie? 1st Harvest Pics Included!


Well-Known Member
seed4.jpgseed5.jpgseed2.jpgseed3.jpg2010-10-11 23.41.53.jpgseed1.jpg2010-10-11 23.48.43.jpg2010-10-11 23.41.35.jpg2010-10-11 23.44.05.jpghi guys...

Today, due to concerns about possible pollenation,......i picked my ak47 plant (from a feminized seed).......the top the main cola weighs 76 grams (freshly picked)
...( cheatin a little.... i left the 2 side branches on!!)

i noticed some plant material that seems to be a seedpod......each little Seedpod/calyx (whatever it is in the 1st 4 pics) has a little miniatiure seed in it....what does this it a hermie??....from the looks of the seedpod/ calyx...could it have been pollinating other plants?? i pulled the whole thing out tonight anyway...Maybe i was opening the door to often during the dark period???...

i have other plants that are developing this same type of thing....SO I DESPERATELY NEED SOME OPINIONS!!!...should i pull any plants that have this condition right away to prevent further developement of seeds??

i have included pics...please help me to identify what has happened here??

thanks again....soon i will have a harvest to show you guys,,...and i will include wet and dry weights,....and include my journal notes!!

thanks guys....(and gals):-P


Well-Known Member
no worries.. that is for sure just a calyx.

yes that 76g main nug will be between a half and an O, about 20 grams or so like you said... good job


Well-Known Member
When you cut a calyx and open it always looks like a little seed, dont worry, thats just a swollen calyx...thats just what they look like by themselves when not clustered. If the plant had hermied you'd have male flowers on it too, visible to you. Stop worrying man, just smoke it and be happy!


Well-Known Member
did my earlier reply go un-noticed? you acted like no one had responded.

those bottom calyxs always look like that. and as has been stated, if it were hermie you would be able to find male flowers.


Well-Known Member
so glad i found this thread, im rippin main stem calyx's off my plnt and opening them and inside every single one no matter the plant, i find a tiny ass little thing, cant say for sure its a seed, but after reading what harrekin says, i feel alot better, i found it HIGHLY unlikely that my whole crop was fertilized when i diligently checked daily for male flowers