Is this a zinc def., something else, or nothing?


If so do I need to flush or....?

These guys are 3 weeks into veg, 16oz hempy cups, 3:1 perlite/verm.

Fed twice a day with the following formula (I've been thinking of switching to feed once/water once per day ie every 12 hours)

1/4 tsp superthrive
1/2 tsp calmag
1 tsp sensi-a
1 tsp sensi-b

Per gallon



Well-Known Member
this is not true gentlemen, with 100% plite you can go easy 2 days if not more, the looks of that plant make it that it needs more nutes, but your already adding cal-mag which would help out with the chlorosis, i have an idea that may help you, flush with PH'd water at 5.5-6.0 and leave for 2 days then feed 1/2 grow nutes, leave the cal-mag alone...adding all those nutes together might be locking something else out. a basic nitrogen def perhaps, especially since you are feeding 2 times a day this is too much and may be overwatered outright.


Well-Known Member
upon further review, they look over watered.take a look at how droppy they look and the claw like appearence of the fan leaves.


Thanks for the replies guys.

What do you fine folks think about a once a day watering, feed every other day?

If I go this route, should I still be feeding nutes? The formula mentioned above is approx 50-75% of what it says on the label (per product). Per a different conversation I had yesterday, I was also thinking about removing the superthrive.


Well-Known Member
i personally had great success watering 2 times weekly, feed depends on the individual plant, i fed one strain every time and another every other watering, your plant will let you know when to feed, at first try 1/2 strength nutes every other watering, i too used nursery flats, hempy style grows usually employ a bucket within a bucket or a pot with an inch or 2 resivoir, creating a wick type hydro, aslong as theres some water at the bottom you can go days without watering, this comes into play when your root system gets larger and will drink that water at bottom


i personally had great success watering 2 times weekly, feed depends on the individual plant, i fed one strain every time and another every other watering, your plant will let you know when to feed, at first try 1/2 strength nutes every other watering, i too used nursery flats, hempy style grows usually employ a bucket within a bucket or a pot with an inch or 2 resivoir, creating a wick type hydro, aslong as theres some water at the bottom you can go days without watering, this comes into play when your root system gets larger and will drink that water at bottom
Yeah I think the problem is I was watering the guys that have reached the res and the guys that haven't on the same schedule.

Will try the following this week:
Guys that haven't hit the res = twice a day
Guys that have hit the rest = once a day, feed every other day

I'm going to make sure my PH is perfect this week.

Also, I now have supplies to make EWC and was planning on making some tonight. Would I just add a little EWC to my watering or...?


Well-Known Member
persoanlly have no experience with worm castings, it was already in my soils so i couldnt tell you abot application to hydro, you would want to be feeding hydro nutrients, another tidbit, the less you water your plants, the faster your root system will grow , they are scavengers and will grow down looking for a water source, you can actually train the roots, try watering 2 days, and go back to once daily if they get droopier, soon you should see the water at the bottom getting lower, roots that are constantly getting showered have no reason to grow out, making a smaller root mass effecting water and nutrient uptake, as you know too much water will drown them out of oxygen


As an update, I got super OCD with the PH. 5.8 in, 6.2 out

They get fed every 24h with the following schedule

Day 1: Nutes
Day 2: EWC Tea
Day 3: RO


They're looking super super healthy now.