Is this baby done?


I am growing TGA Timewreck, it been Flowering for 9-10 weeks, (10 weeks from the day I started 12/12) Hairs are still white on about 20-30% mostly on the lower I would say. Here are some pics. Looking for other peoples opinion. Samples were taken from separate branches. Also can I cut off parts of the pant that is done and let the bottom still grow?


pic1.jpgSample 1
pic2.jpgSample 2
pic3.jpgsample 3
pic4.jpg sample 4
pic5.jpgSample 4 again


Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Looks done from what I can see. Always good to have that 50x trich look to know for sure but it looks as if you have mostly cloudy with a tiny bit of amber. First bud pic looks done.

Yes, in order to not kill myself harvesting I almost always cut the good tops off and let the second half of plant go another day or more before i cut and trim.

Now don't be impatient. Slow dry that bud and give it a good cure. Enjoybongsmilie


Active Member
I disagree..(and could be wrong.. :) ) I've only harvested a few plants myself...but IMO I would give her some more time. I didn't see but 1 or 2 ambers and a bunch of clear... also, I would assume you have too many white hairs poppin to chop her....she doesn't look finished to me... I have PLENTY of patience though.. (I have always been told that once you first think she's done...let her go another week..unless you see drastic changes to amber) just keep on keepin an eye on her.. :) my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
I heard something from someone on here and this is qouted, "Whenever you feel it's done, wait a week." And I live by that rule. And also I see hardly any amber tricks at all in there, so let her go a little bit longer. And by the way dude, nice buds ;)


Thanks guys I was thinking the same thing I'll probably chop her sometime next week depending on the trichomes. Also I have some confusion on amber trichs... Amber=couchlock or Amber= THC is demised to poop?

For drying thanks for the advice I really want to make the most out of this bud. I was thinking 5-6 week cure after drying.

Thanks again for the advice.


Well-Known Member
I also have some info from Greg Green's Grow Bible I own.
It states that the longer you wait to harvest, the more couch lock effect you'll get from your bud. And that a large portion of thc is created from non psychoactive to psychoactive thc, in the last two weeks.


I also have some info from Greg Green's Grow Bible I own.
It states that the longer you wait to harvest, the more couch lock effect you'll get from your bud. And that a large portion of thc is created from non psychoactive to psychoactive thc, in the last two weeks.
I hjust bought that book last week, should have paid better attention lol.

LockedOutOfHeaven- Thanks I will do that try that tonight.

jaycuffee21- Thank man, I don't know about 2 weeks but I will be keeping a close eye on her. I think my LED oflash on my phone makes it look whiter than it is, here are a couple more with a CFL over it.
