Is this bad?


Is it bad to top a plant once it has been switched to flowering already. Does this cause a plant to go hermie or will it be fine to do?
its fine to top in flower i top 1 week into flower always good for me and i did snap a cola 4 weeks into flower ended up with more bud from that one than i did the rest so go for it


Active Member
I trim internodes 1-2 weeks into flower with no prob, so I don't think topping will be any different.

- SB -


thanks everyone! I have 2 plants i'm switching to flower tomorrow. Ive been holding off as long as I can but the one is absolutely enormous with 4 main colas(already topped)and was overdue for flowering. The other one I started a month after and I have not topped it yet. Its just about ready to be topped so in about a week I think i'll give it a go


might even top the big one again bc its almost too big. Definitely over 2 ft tall, hope its a female! Fingers crossed