is this big enough for light now?


I'm on my first grow at the moment and I had mine under a hps lamp at this stage, I know it's not ideal and maybe a bit too much, but it's 3 weeks on and they're doing great so I'd say go for it!


Well-Known Member
put anything you want on them. One of those cfl's would work. a seedling just doesn't need much light for the first few weeks. If mine are doing good I put them under the hid/ or boost the watts on the cfl's at day 10. These are 14 days from sprout. Went under a 400w mh at day 10.
2010 grow #1 001.jpg


Active Member
no info on light no answer bro k i see cfl's 2 for now ok color should be 6500k and ur good but get more light now and set up weeks go very quick so get on it,IT will need more light soon and run 18/6 when u get new lights or more of what u have i use mh/hps much better,but vegin under cfl's is ok if u have enough of them it would take about 16 or so to get even close to an mh and 20 or so to get close to hps and that is to much heat one 400 hps is cooler mine is 6in off top of canopy and that makes it 100,000 lumens works great.lumens are measured 12in off cnopy so the closer the more lumens the farther away the less lumens so at 18in the light is 25,000 color and lumens are very important!!


Well-Known Member
If you run a open 400w anyting 6" off the plants you'll burn the crap out of them. Even with a cooltube I stay off the plant 8-10"

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
i have a LOL setup like last time my first indoor xD some one said it was el rosa superbud
Done with just 5 23 watt clfs
