Is this big enuff to be put outside??


Well-Known Member
yes, but be careful, leave it in filtered sun for a few days till it gets toughend up to full sunlight and it's UV light.

Robo high

New Member
yes it is but try to keep its original soil when u transplant and get the soil very wet before u do and also don't do it on a sunny at or if you have to do it closer to night

grow space

Well-Known Member
nope you dont have to wait-plant it it when the sun has gone down and then be sure to water it.


Active Member
Hmmm personly id wait a bit longer to give it a better chance but if you are to put it out side do what they said above and maybe even get sum chickhen wire around it or sumthing to try & protect it from little 'critters',,,, Id put it in the sun few hours then back inside then next day few more hours then back inside ect ect to build it up and slowly let it get used to its new surroundings less stress for the youngster...


Well-Known Member
I'd wait.. I veg inside about a month... If you can get it outside where a heavy rain or wind won't beat it to death do that.. if not get a cfl or two (if you don't have) and veg till stronger... IMO..


Active Member
As long as you harden it off,make sure you climatise the plant introduce it to the sun slowly over a week , then it should be ready.