Is this blue buddha male?????


HELP!! We have grown a fair amount of Kush's But this is First Blue Buddha and it's driving us crazy. Have seen male pods online and we think this 7 foot plant might be one. Seeds came from BCBUDS and were not feminized. Any one out here familiar enough with Blue Buddha to tell us if this thing is male???? There are pistols coming out of mostly all the pods but we broke one open and dust came out. We are ready to move them out side( if it's not too late). These look like a stalk of seeds with pistols. Blue Buddha growers --help!!
We have three of them and they all look the same.


Thanks to all that replied. They are out side. Have a follow up Q. Are the other plants in the room DEFINITELY pollenated?? They have been in bloom for about 3 weeks and don't have much of a bud yet, just the beginnings. Just look for seeds?


Well-Known Member
If no pods havd opened up you stand a good chance of still harvesting sensimillia if you get him out of the room now, in about another 5 weeks if any of your females got pollinated you will have some seeds. On a side note I would love to harvest some pollen from him, he looks quite healthy and a seven feet tall should be a keeper.



Have seen male pods online and we think this 7 foot plant might be one. QUOTE]

Ya think? That plant was a male months ago.
Oh absolutely, but WE NEVER HAD BLUE BUDDHA, we didn't know, that's why we came to you, and from now on any TALL fellows that show up in growing will be under suspicion. They just showed themselves the day before yesterday and the cover of 'The Bible' has a very seeding looking bud. So we were confused and we'll chalk it up to experience. All three are out of there and on the way to the trash.

We we're looking forward to some new strains. At this point we are wondering if everything we got from BCBUDS is male?

thanks again for the confirmation.

This site is a god send.


Are you serious? What ever for? We intend to trash them but if it's cool to mail pollen you can have it.